CC0 Scraps
CC0 Scraps
Miscellaneous crude or ancient scraps which are incomplete, rough concepts, abandoned and/or of poor quality and as such don't warrant submission as is.
Posted here on the off chance that someone can extract something of worth from them.
No need for attribution.
All assets here are granted under CC0 1.0 Universal.
If you do make use of some of it would be cool to hear about it, but this is purely optional.
Misc random ancient pixels I couldn't be arsed posting individually:
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
aaah! you're telling me that alien stuff was just some toss away work? It looks incredible!
dude, you're talents are unreal!
This stuff is amazing!
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Hey Surt, the forum shows that you just commented on this, but the last comment I'm seeing from you is from July 20th. I just want to be sure that comments aren't being lost.
Oh, no just editing the last post to add stuff but it still gets bumped in active forum topics.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I'm actually glad that edits bump the topic. Just wanted to make sure that we weren't losing data or something.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Wow! Is this Gaming Art Heaven? These Masterpieces are like Handcrafted by an Omnipotent Celestial Being... It will really come in use and handy. I love every each one of this...
Thanks for all the hardwork and for sharing it , Mr. Surt \(^_^)/
"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Absolutely amazing, Surt. A pity there are no "add to favorite" buttons. CC0 is very generous, and plenty of these are useable right away. You have my admiration :)
I'm happy to officially announce to you that I use now the (1,1) (1,2) and (2,2) (x,y v->) ones in FAR Colony. I use them as resources spots icons.
I added you into the credits of the game and you will be able to see screenshots including them in a future blog post when my phase 1 will be completed.
BIG thanks!
I'm happy to officially announce to you that I use now the (1,1) (1,2) and (2,2) (x,y v->) ones in FAR Colony. I use them as resources spots icons.
I added you into the credits of the game and you will be able to see screenshots including them in a future blog post when my phase 1 will be completed.
BIG thanks!
Edit: oops, of this one picture from you:
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Hi Surt, i decided to give life to one of your older pieces, but im kinda noob in pixel texturing, could you give me a few pointers to it? Specially needed on the green turret part. Im kinda torn between going for a "dirty pixel look" or a cleaner one.
By the way ill upload it to OGA when its finished. ;)
This image is not CC0 as it is based on Danimals.
I'd just do something along the lines of breaking it up into panels, a few rivets/bolts, some nonsensical painted markings.
If you want it to look dirtier add some wear and tear, scratches on exposed edges, rust were paint is scraped away, maybe a dent or two from previous battles, grease spray around moving parts.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Pretty cool! o.O
Great! ill make a clean version and then try a dirty one, since i think it will be harder to acomplish with such low resolution.
By the way, the 3D model will be CC-BY, but i want this one you modified to be CC0 to follow this thread mood.
So to be clear the previous image is licensed as CC0
Annnnd, its done :)
I think i went a bit overboard in the decorative paintings but imo it doesnt look that bad, im also adding a naked lady in there, its so low pixel its hard to tell what it is ;)
Thanks a lot for the model and guidance Surt, im open to any critic you might have of it.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Ooh. Like the little animal characters.
Your cast offs are better than some submissions here.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
That is amazing. Thank you for putting all that up for free! If my game ever gets finished, some of this will definitely be making its way into it.
I used your human base mesh and inspired from one of your doodles:
Thanks for your contribution, you should do more of them ;)
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Life's good, go hug a puppy!
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Amazing. I think you could create some Gunlord or Turrican style. I love these spaceships and enemies from this game!
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Here's a scrap. It's my current avatar, which I think I might change soon. It's something I made long ago for a shmup project, and there's some good things about it and some bad. It's Ozma of Oz (She normally tends to have black hair, but not always), with flowers in her hair, a crown, and holding a scepter with "OZ" on the end of it. I think the top part of the hair, flowers, crown came out great, but the rest, not so much. Sort of reminds me how far I've come with pixel art. ;)
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Great work! I have been using your aliens in my 4X game. New aliens look amazing but have you thought adding torsos?
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I cannot see the images anymore. I tried "wget", it resolves ip but just hangsNo idea why that should be, working fine for me.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I'm not having any troubles either. Maybe you accidentally ad blocked the source or something.
OK. I think I am blocked by your hosting service's server (, it is where the traceroute ends). So I guess nothing can be done.Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Dat contrast tho!
--Medicine Storm
Wow! This is quite extensive. Thank you surt!
So much amazing stuff here. I especially love that last image with the 64x64 tileable rocks. I'm going to use that for a cave for sure. Thanks Surt!
really nice sketches! good job.
This is extremely awesome. I haven't found a big compilation of these, so I am going to make one.
Please share your art under CC0!
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Variety here is killer, almost goes without saying. I need to start one of these with the crap on my old drives...
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Nice try. Ruff n' Tumble from Forest Stage in another palette. I love this;)