Sheep (rigged, textured and animated)
Sheep (rigged, textured and animated)
This sheep was created simeltaneously for Unknown Horizons, to fullfil their OGA request, for Open Dungeons, for their eatery and for the weekly challenge, fauna. It is rigged, textured and animated.
This sheep has four different wool growth stages, ranging from scrawny little shaved thing to comically over stuffed.
It has a single 1024x1024 diffuse map, the base texture of which came from the woodland animals pack on OGA:
in particular i used the boar texture by titus tscharntke
The armature has seven animations:
start walking
stop walking
start eating
stop eating
The idle animation can be viewed here:
As always if you find another use for this, i'd love to know :)

Well done :)
adrix89: added wireframe shots.
wow, this is a nice pack how it ought to be! All served on a golden plate ready for us to use, keep it up!
The blend file appears to only have the texture tied to one of the sheep, both in Blender's first preview and in the file itself. Might be something to fix... Other than that, it's completely awesome.
I am using this art in my game BaseWar (
Just to let you know =)
PS: Credits to you are shown in the forum News->Credit
Hi p0ss, your model has been used in a game called Voxelands and you're mentioned in the credits. Thanks!
Hey p0ss, I used your sheeps to replace our old and ugly sheep pasture. :) You can see it in the github commit here or when you play the game Unknown Horizons. You are named in the credits now.