No More Magic
No More Magic
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 11:42
Art Type:

This is background music I made for a cinematic scene in my game. If you don't like it please comment and share you critic, cause I really want to improve in music creating.

You asked for critics, so - personally, i think you got too high attack/release slopes on strings (1:05 or so).
It's hard to judge artistic side though, because everyone has its own preferences and different style, so if that's what you wanted to achieved, it's good. I cannot say i dislike your work because it's good (at least in my opinion).
Hey, thanks for the critique! I was not able to change the string samples cause i dont have enought knowledge to do that good, but i found that starting from 1:05 the volume of strings are too high so i updated the track, maybe it will solve the too high attack problem :)
Simply wow! Beautiful, HorrorPen. Give us more please. :)
Beautiful i love it :)
I want to use this to my project. What i need to do to have your approval?
@paladinlll, The license is CC-BY, so all you have to do is credit the artist if you use the song. Its often appreciated to ask the original author if you can use it, but just crediting the author is enough based on the license. Given the license as well, I'd say that the artist probably just wants it to be enjoyed by anyone, so simply telling the artist you're using the song and crediting the artist is probably enough for most people.
If you check Open Game Art's FAQ they even recommend to comment on a work and say you're using the work in question and where you're using it. You can provide a link to your game available for download and show how its being used. It acts as promotion for both you and the original artist, so its overall a win-win situation.
The original music here in question was posted two years ago. There's no guarantee the artist is even still around or active on Open Game Art. In this case, though, the artist has posted new things as late as September 2013, but that's not always the case.
Unless the artist makes specific attribution requirements, just providing a text file with credits for any art assets used and/or adding the song to the credits of your game should be acceptable. You can optionally link to the original work in most cases as well.
If the artist in question has specific attribution requirements, though, then you'll need to follow them.
The only critique I can offer of this is that it could be longer with more development. Beyond that, it's magnificent.
Great song, I'm planning to use this for a game that I'm developing for iOS platform :)
EpIc ;)
I have used your music for my new all text platformer game NightWords. It sets with the mood of the game perfectly. If there's any other form of credit you would like me to include, or anything let me know.
Fantastic! A great song, I'll make sure to send you a copy of the beta when it's to that point!
Look like an Harry potter music ;)
Absolutely beautiful masterpiece.
@Pixel Wings, litterally, get out of town; comparing this to something else is child's play.
I really like this music! I have no idea what Im going to use it for but if I do I'll make sure to credit you. Thanks!
Hi There!
I really liked your music, can i give my credits?
Hope So! ;)
I am going to be using this in an upcoming game. It will be used for a ngiht overworld theme. Sounds really good, I love it
I downloaded 'No more magic' and my friend really satisfied.
Thank you.
Heya, Thankyou so much for this lovely track! I am currently using it to fill in the background noise of a Uni project we are doing called the Inked Ladies. Thankyou again!
Beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!
very nice 0v0
Using this for a mobile game, Witchery Stitchery! Love this.
This song is super beautiful and I really like it,I'm planning to use this for a game that I'm developing for iOS and Android platform ,thank you for your music, it's so wonderful