Blender models for Freeciv units
Blender models for Freeciv units
Saturday, August 20, 2011 - 14:55
Art Type:
All 52 model used in a default reluset of Freeciv. I am a blender newbie so the models are veeery low quality.

Thank you for uploading this.
AS far as low poli go they are really good
I'm Using this for my FPS Game but when i put in the models it just says, Blender could not covert the blend. file to FBX file
I have no idea what that means.
They look really good, might use a few in a project i'm working on :)
I would be glad if you let me know when your project is up and running. Good luck!
Blender could not covert the blend. file to FBX file
If it's Unity 3d, you have to 'export fbx' then copy the fbx to your unity project.
I've used these sounds in a game jam recently:
I really liked the built-in toon render settings which really helped save a lot of time using these for the short jam.
One thing I noticed was that the truck wheels weren't level, any interest in fixing that up?