Bouncing Baal
Bouncing Baal
Thursday, August 8, 2013 - 07:51
Art Type:

A playful track which isn't a chiptune, but may remind you of a classic home computer. Inspired by a game by DarkeChibi about a very frisky demon.
If you'd like a WAV, OGG, or some other version just let me know in the comments. Enjoy!
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you don't mind sharing, I'd really love to know about what you're using it in. Most of all, have fun! :)

This week's outro : )
Sweet deal -- I'm glad you likey! ^_^
Hi FoxSynergy,
I just wanted to thank you very much for your excellent compositions! I used Bouncing Baal, Recall of the Shadows, and Lunar Harvest in my newest game - Martian Mix-Up!
Hope it does your work justice! =)
Holy wow, CriticalGames, I'm glad to be of service and thank you for your support! I don't have an iOS device but this one looks like it's a lot of fun so I hope it'll be OK if I share it around some. Super cool!
Not at all, thank YOU! And please do - I'd really appreciate it if you would share it around! It's a shame that you don't have an iOS device, but I hope you might get to play it at some point.
Thanks again!
I am using it as the title music in our corporate podcast. Thanks for creating and sharing it.