Desert Tileset
Desert Tileset
Thursday, October 11, 2012 - 02:57
Art Type:
Desert tileset made by modifying the Grasslands tileset from Flare.
Uses recourses included in that tileset with additional textures pulled from:
The source tileset can be found here:

It looks great!
However the casual flare gamer will soon notice that it is similar to the existing grassland as you said.
Would it be possible to alter the rocks a little, so it looks a little different in structure?
Wow, looks great! I'd love to see an expansion on this that provides more tile variations!
looks good! however in the png there seems to be some gaps in the transparent color at the chests especially.
FYI Im using this in a new flare mod. Thanks for sharing it. It helps to add a bit of variety in the mod.
Project link:
This is great, Amstrad. Is there any chance you could post a higher-resolution render of this tileset?
This asset was made over 12 years ago.. I don't have any of the source files I used to make it, though it was mostly a modification of the Flare grasslands tileset, so some one could probably use the source files from that to do a similar job.
Edit: I also previously uploaded the source models for the cacti and skull I added to this tileset.