High Tech Lab
High Tech Lab
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 - 17:05
Art Type:

Some electronic music, mostly matching action games I guess.
This is a "Thank you" for Bart and the great Hex-a-Hop site

This track is great!
DO I have to credit you when I use this?
credit me as well as publishing every derivate of this work under the same license
@mrpoly again:
Of course if you need other conditions, feel free to contact me
Oooh nice track!
Great track
I'm a bit confused about the licences (am new to all of it, I am reading them but hardly understanding). What does it mean for me if I use this track in my flash game as background music and I change it slightly (let's say I cut out some pieces and loop it)? Aside crediting you, what else should I do exactly?
Thank you in advance!
Hey, I used a short loop version of this track in a HTML/CSS abstract point-and-click adventure game-jam game: http://g.qubodup.net/lrl/. Thanks a lot!
You re welcome! And that is a nicely done game. Only problem is the loops don't work well on my box, there is always a gap before repeating the background track.
it says I can use it commercially i wanted to put a game on appstore with this, can i?
Hi Danny,
Considering appstore needs bundling, and those are share alike licenses this might be hard by licenses alone. At least to my understanding.
Can you tell me a bit about this game? Do you have a website for it already?
Hello remaxim, I finally released my project with your amazing music!
It does blended really nice with my game and sounds awesome.
I used in fourth level BGM.
I really appreciated for your work :)
Hi highlighty,
I appreciate you using my music and also writing me about it.
I see that your game is just a passion project, but want to warn you that you need to be more careful with licensing.
This music is not licensed as public domain, but you can choose between CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL2 or GPL3. All of those licenses have their own consequences. Just to call out a few things directly that is common for all 3: they all need attribution with the shipped game. Claiming "All rights reserved" and not mentioning art you used ingame can cause issues. I recommend to have a screen for that, as I ve seen you using a lot of other art. Not a lawyer, but maybe some license/readme file is also good enough. Also, as you bundled the music with the game, you re obliged to release the whole game under the same license. That is because of the "copyleft" or "share-alike" of the licenses.
I probably can recommend you to check this out for some clarification: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
I am absolutely not gonna give you any trouble here. I am glad you used the music in your hobby project. Just be careful with art licensing going forward, as I ve seen you used a lot of different art from different sources.
Congrats on releasing the game!
I am also not a lawyer, but I'll throw in my 2 cents:
@highlighty: Yes, you cannot leave out which license the assets are under. Listing the author is a start, but you should be linking to the asset itself as well as indicating the license. See FAQ: "How should I credit the artist?"
CC-BY-SA almost always only applies to the assets, not the game executable. But as remaxim has pointed out, the assets have been embedded within the executable and/or data pack. Since users cannot access the assets in their native format, either the executable itself must also be licensed CC-BY-SA, or the assets must be separated to avoid violating the DRM clause. Or, if you've elected to use GPL for these assets instead, embedded resources definitely require the executable to be released under the GPL license.
@remaxim: I don't believe GPL requires attribution unless the author explicitly requests it. I recommend adding some text to the "copyright/attribution notice" section to make that an explicit request. Something like "Please credit remaxim by putting the following text on your credits screen/file: [attribution instructions here]"
@MedicineStorm: Thanks, I will check for GPL and attribution. Interesting topic.
@highlighty: Just to clarify once again. I am not gonna cause you any troubles here. My impression is that you re just a beginner doing hobby projects and I want to support that. You are using quite a few assets though from different sources and I do highly recommend you get to know license requirements going forward to stay out of troubles later on.
I apologize that didn't have understanding of proper licensing.
So I did my research but still don't get it 100% honestly...
As your advice,
1. I attached additional "License.txt" with my game file.
2. I changed the copyright sentence in my title screen like below,
(before) © AJ PRESENT Co.,Ltd. 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
(after) (ɔ) AJ PRESENT Co.,Ltd. 2021 Licensed CC BY-SA 3.0
Could you tell me if it's right way?
If not, can you suggest me what shoud I do?
Again, I really appreciate for your generosity with my mistake.
And thank you for your help in advance!
Thank you for explanation!
I made "License.txt" with the right form from the link you commented.
@highlighty I couldn't see any difference in the downloadable version, so I couldn't have a look at how you did it.
In my opinion the biggest issue is bundling. As my music is not a separate file, you had to change the whole game to CC-BY-SA 3.0. This might be counter intuitive, but this could be even more problematic for you, as you licensed your whole game (including all other art and music in there) as CC-BY.SA 3.0. If the the other assets you used are any other license or copyleft license, you most likely don't have the right to relicense them this way.
So with a huge disclaimer that I am not a lawyer, the usual recommendation is to have all assets with different licensing as separate files, so it can't be claimed that your game is build upon the asset. That way you can have assets from several different licenses and don't have to relicense your whole game. No clue if "All rights reserved" is valid though.
The topic is a bit more complicated, but this is some general advice I ve heard so far. Hope it helps!
I just relicensed this music to be CC-BY only, so you only need to attribute me properly. I still highly recommend to separate other licensed assets to make it safer for yourself. Take care!
I haven't applied the change yet since I wanted to have your confirmation first!
I have a question from what you explained,
"have all assets with different licensing as separate files"
Does that mean I'd better attach each files in my game?
For example, create "Audio" folder with "license.txt" and attach all the original assets(ex."bgm.mp4" etc.)
Will it be okay?
p.s. Thank you for relicensing the music to make it eaiser :)
The important part as far as I get it is that all copyleft assets (GPL or anything with "SA" in the name) should not be part of your game.exe . The structure itself is up to you. Basically the way you purpose seems to be OK from what I can tell.
Over here, when you hover over "appropriate credit", it shows the recommended way to attribute someone.
@medicineStorm do you happen to have any kind of guides you recommend for beginners? It has been a long while since I ve been in this topic and don't want to recommend anything wrong here. Thank you!
@remaxim: I agree with your suggestions and assessment. As for guides for beginners, I've already linked to it above where I mentioned "FAQ: How should I credit the artist".
P.S. Adding the OGA-BY license is very generous of you. That does simplify a lot of things for highlighty and others; credit required, but no DRM problems :)
As your approval, I changed credit into right form in my game page according to the guide.
Also I created "audio" folder with seperated original files and attached "license.txt".
Thank you so much for all your kindness!! :)
@MedicineStorm thank you for helping out and the kind words!
@highlighty That is awesome! Good luck and take care! :)