Sara--Steps in the Right Direction
Sara--Steps in the Right Direction
Hello everyone,
As you may know, I've been doing characters for Ultimate Smash friends. As you may not know, one of the ones that I made a game attempt at was's own signature mascot, Sara. Somehow, this character never quite gelled in my first attempts; the products of this work can be seen below. I'll be making another attempt at some point in the future to get her properly defined and sprited up! In th emean time, these strange WiP shots might be useful for something, or at least be interesting as curiosities.
From left to right:
Clone of the original Sara design (by Mandi Paugh:, Sara, her giant laser cannon, bad running poses and a shot with better hair.
Note: as part of CC-By, be sure to link back to in your credit.

I can't help to thik that Sara would use a nore lady like wpnd. somthing like a rapier a bow or even a sniper rifle.
That looks really cool, a great base for a platform game.
Are there any more animations for her in the works?
@Mumu: The honkin' big blaster was Bart's idea, though I agree that my interpretation doesn't match her character very well. Probably one reason that the sprites never really worked out.
@Charlie: She's going to be started again from scratch. I'm spending a bit of time on a side project right now to improve my animation skills (it'll probably be up here in a month or two), and once I have that set I think I'll be ready to finally get this done right.
I prefer the previous more silent type rather then the new outgoing one.
Is there any chance that the author could made a few frames like climbing ladder or Jump?
I really like this concept!
I like some of the elements the original clothing had. It's like a cloak over very light armor almost. The new clothing looks a tad modern but maybe that was the goal? Either way everything else is pretty much a major improvement. The hair became a lot more busy while the clothing was simplified. I'd love to see what it would look like with the clothing taken in an opposite direction and made more busy and detailed.