Space ship building bits, volume 1

Space ship building bits, volume 1


Hello again everyone,

It's been a while since I put up any personal projects, so I'm glad to finally have one to put up!  I started this about a week ago.  It was very late, I was too tired to do any serious work but I didn't feel like sleeping.  So instead I decided to look through my old sprites, and ended up starting some editing/remaking.  You can see the original ship compared with the final version of the remake in one of the previews (yeah, I know that they look nothing alike--it was an extensive process).  Anyway, after I made the original I did some mashing up and remixing to make some variations, which are available, along with the parts that make them up.  Please make your own variations!  I hope to do some more in the future, but for now this is what I have.  Enjoy.

Thanks to all the people in the IRC for their encouragement and/or needling towards improvement.

shipsheetparts.PNG shipsheetparts.PNG 27.4 Kb [16491 download(s)]
shipsheetparts2-highercontrast.PNG shipsheetparts2-highercontrast.PNG 27.4 Kb [9688 download(s)]