Starting of the universe
Starting of the universe
Sunday, March 6, 2011 - 21:16
Art Type:

This is another old song I made a long time ago. I didnt think anyone could use it for anything, But I am going to upload that and let the listeners be the one to decide that. I hope you like. :) Its not going to do anything but sit in my old album folder, so utilize it as you wish.
*Sorry I couldnt find the wav file* its in 128kbps :(

beautiful work
Thanks, it means a lot sir.
This is a great song, i really enjoyed listening to it :) I really hope someone finds a use for it :)
wow. I am stunned.
oh please, dont be so nice now.
Great. Used it as a title music in an app called Reverb By Fraction Games. Search it in the app store soon!
Piano man!