tmim Heroine - Bleed's Game Art
tmim Heroine - Bleed's Game Art
Sunday, March 23, 2014 - 17:35
Art Type:
Isometric action-type, female character armed with a handgun and a flashlight. Rendered in 16 directions with the following five animations and two idles:
- Walk, Run, Crouch, Fire while Crouching, Fire while Walking, Standing Idle, Crouching Idle.
For your convenience I've also included the sprite origins on every sprite just so you don't have do it manually. In the parentheses () of the filename you will find three values separated by comma. The first one is the number of frames the sprite has, the second is the X-Origin and the third is the Y-Origin.
I'm also available for freelance work :
Enjoy and don't forget to comment once in a while if you like my art. :)
Attribution Instructions:
Credit is not necessary but appreciated. You can use my name "Bleed" and if you're feeling extra generous here's a link to my portfolio that you can include "" Again, all this is optional.

I really like your stuff, keep it coming and I'll have to make an isometric game sooner or later :)
Thanks, and i will, as long as i have the free time i will keep on releasing free sprites. Depending on how my Patreon campagn will go i wish to start rendering them in other view-ports, not just Isometric.
Nice work. A question, though: if attribution is optional, why not CC0?