Saturday, March 30, 2013 - 08:29
Art Type:
This is a GUI style I made for my Android game. I tried to make it fit in with Android's user interface, which can be explored in more detail here.
I made everything with Inkscape. The SVG has several layers so be sure to check them all if you can't find what you're looking for. You'll probably need the Roboto font family for the SVG to work as intended. You can get it here.
If you want to see the GUI in action, check out my game: jumpr.

A very attractive and clean interface. Nice work. :)
Just tried your game out. It was a fun diversion, and the chime sounds were pleasant and calming. I'd be interested to see your survey results posted here when you're done. :)
Thanks Bart. I made the sounds with Linux Multimedia Studio (running on Windows, ironically). Maybe I'll submit them here too.
Publishing the survey results shouldn't be a problem. I just hope I get some interesting data.
I played your game some more, and I've got a suggestion.
[removed, will catch you over PM]
Bart, let's move this to PM.
Very Nice