$12256 / $11500
Time to get your game face on everyone. OGA wants YOU!! This weeks challenge is YOU as a game character. Let us hear your theme song, listen to your sounds, see your portrait, or read your story. Since its based on the real YOU, no crossdressing allowed. ;)
Please, add a short note on how the work is inspired by you and in what game/genre you see the character
Tag your entries Weekly Challenge, Get in the Game
Just a reminder...
The rules:
Good Luck everyone!
And good luck to you on your first weekly challenge!
...but what if I am a crossdresser in real life?
That will make for a confusing character then! ;)
Here's my entry!
Throwing my pasty-white self into the ring!
Here's mine! I had sort of a Metroidvania-type platformer in mind:
Didn't have enough time to do any walking/jumping, but the attack is finished.
My project: Bits & Bots
Alright, time to show your support. Let us know what your think by voting for you favorite!
We have three entrys so go vote. :)
Well, Clint, it looks like your "pasty-white self" was the winner! Great Work everyone, and thanks for participating! Now who is up for some magic? http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/weekly-challenge-magic-due-april-25
Nice! Also, just noticed that I didn't model my glasses... maybe there will be an updated version later