Shinobi Densetsu
Shinobi Densetsu
Hi fellow OGA users. I have a lot to thank you. When we decided to remove the ripped graphics from our game, your assets were first choice and first quality. You can find them all over. Either in full, partially used or frankensteined, OGA assets boosted up our rip removal phase by 1000%. Today only few rips remain and we have them cornered. v0.3 is scheduled to come out in August 15, and I must admit, i'm kind of scared, in a good sense. The game is gaining a dimension never before seen. Our 2 graphic artists (1 here) are overloaded.
The game is to be always free, so free assets are our main concern. If you are interested in joining the party we need a lot more than artists, but that's bigger fish...
I'm here to present our brainchild. I'll let you see some of it, and you decide what it is worth to you.
Looking forward to reading your comments. Cheers :)
wow, the game looks pretty fun!
You said it's free, is it open too? If so, you should definitely add a link to the website to your post.
And the music from the first and third video you linked are pretty awesome, do they come from oga? If not, is their license any of the CC licenses? If so, could you upload them to oga?
Keep up the good work.
Most important questions ( ;) ):
Is there a website/presentation somewhere in the web for it?
What OSes will be supported?
What technologies are used? (libraries, languages, etc)
the game engine is open, you can find it at
please notice that this game only uses the bleeding edge versions of the engine, so don't feel fooled when you see "Open Sonic", which is the now defunct game that originated the engine. The real thing is in the forums.
The new engine is now called "Open Surge", (hint: Redshrike's Surge for USF)
It was not coded by any of us, team SD members, we only stick to the scripting API and some hacks. The engine was built with C++ and Allegro
Windows and Linux are supported in a straightforward fashion: unzip the game, and run the right file. simple :)
The game itself is not open, as in "everybody can join freely". Although we do not restrict contributors, there is a degree of control on who makes it to the team. Just to make sure no more posers come around. we had quite a few.
website is , the same you will find in my profile.
Music from the first vid is from Youtube, the 3rd vid has a song i put together with some samples, which are not free. sorry, no can do on that one :\ Although the game will have its own original soundtrack which we do want to share with the world, as well as any other assets we can provide to OGA users.
"I was dancing with two kunai and a giant shuriken jumped out of the cake. Fun stuff!"
I have four things to say.
1. Re 'The game itself is not open, as in "everybody can join freely". Although we do not restrict contributors, there is a degree of control on who makes it to the team.'
Does that mean that the game is closed source? I do not see any harm in using an open source license for your game. (Remember: open source does not mean, "Anyone can join us" but "If this project dies, anyone can revive it"). You can still controll who goes into the team.
2. I do not see any licensing info in the credits. I haven't checked all art assets, but usually you need to spread art using the same license.
3. Graphic wise, I think it could be improved by:
4. It seems like a promising project. Good luck with it.