Thick Fog
Thick Fog
Smoke and fog FX can sometimes be tricky to get right. Here is a fog texture that i made that scrolls/tiles horizontally.
res at 1024 x 512.
I dunno how many fog effects i have made similar to this... probably 10,234. So hopefully this will save a couple people a little bit of time from reinventing the wheel from scratch.
enjoy ^_^
if you like my assets, come to for games, and some dev tools ^_^

Thank you!
But how to use? Scroll UV map?
I used this in the game Celestite for the recent OGA game jam:
It really gave my Mist Blocks an Incorporeal feel. Thanks!
wha that's really cool!
sorry for the late reply! :D
At first I misread the title as "Thick Frog". With that being said, this is a pretty cool fog effect!
thats pretty cool