Wooden Building Block
Wooden Building Block
Ok, I know what you're thinking.
p0ss finally lost it, and submitted a cube.
Well my friend, this no ordinary cube. for you see it has a texture, a texture which tiles in every direction. This allows for rapid prototype development and the creation of placeholder elements, because as soon as you put two of these cubes together, you can't even tell they were ever apart. and if you put four of them together you end up with a giant cube that is still seamless.
So this block, is anything your mind can imagine, it is a wall, a set of stairs, a stage, a pole, anything. its like minecraft, if minecraft had only one super tiling block.
In all seriousness I figured this would be quite useful for game developer who is testing out their engine and needs to create some walls or buildings quickly.

This is probably the most fantastic cube I've ever seen.
The innovation of wooden building blocks... in 3d! Awesome Poss!
Sometimes what's important is how you sell it. :)
Holy Shieeet. That is incredibly awesome, you should make more variations and sell them. I am sure there are quite a lot people willing to pay for it.
Seriously, that's probably the most stunning model i've ever seen on oga ;-)
Shouldn't this go to textures?
adrix89 Perhaps, however since its a packed .blend file, it is a 3D model, even if anyone could make the cube itself.
Thank you, what imagination to come up with this idea?
So many ways it could be used !