Training Map
Training Map
Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 23:00
Art Type:
Fully textured :)
Designed for low poly application such as ios and android.

Fully textured :)
Designed for low poly application such as ios and android.
Nice stuff! Dunno much about modeling but color is spot on!. Please do more of these =)
The texture on the sides of the ground seems a bit high res comparing to the rest, but I suppose one can easily replace it. And it looks like it's not supposed to be shown in the game, anway ;)
Really good, lowpoly stuff here! How many polys/verts? Well placed textures as well.
Btw the tags are not seperated by commas, resulting in one long tag.
272 Verts
239 Faces
512px × 256px texture
Very good polycount! I rarely see such detailed work with such high optimization. Very nice work. The texture is nice. Not too large, not too small. I recommend starting with a large texture and just scaling it down as needed. :)
looks nice
I really like this platform. if you aren't but busy for a little job. just email me,
I need 5 platform like that but different shapes though.