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Wednesday, October 12, 2011 - 07:08

in the past i've used OpenMPT, with freepats samples.......which suck :/

Wednesday, October 5, 2011 - 07:51

My best advice right now is to learn from life drawing books - you've got anime heads down sort of right, save for the eye positions not offset 'inside' enough but the anatomy in general is a bit blank. The biggest problem seems to be in the waist area IMO



Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - 08:54

I don't like words. How about I answer that P.P.S. with a video? That's right, you made me do a skin!

Monday, September 5, 2011 - 08:32

These are sufficient enough to make a orbit screen for a planet in a space game like UQM, if you're familiar with its 3DO soundtrack.

Monday, September 5, 2011 - 08:22

I know, right?


The mis-attribution of the term "PUBLIC DOMAIN" isn't a new problem. Back in the 1980s, early software piracy existed in the form of hexedited commercial software to say "PUBLIC DOMAIN" where the copyright line would be, and having this so-called "PUBLIC DOMAIN" software transferred and copied without the sense of guilt. You might remember Red Baron, the "PUBLIC DOMAIN" edit of Sopwith, a copyrighted game (back then, in 1985).

This is the same exact deal but with copyrighted artworks and sounds (badly resampled Sound Ideas sound effects are on a lot of 'free public domain' sound resources...). Back in the day, you'd get your free "public domain" GAME OVER MAN voice sample off of a FTP or BBS redistributor, unknowningly unaware of the source. On the modern internet, this spreads very quickly thanks to search engines and their ambiguity on presenting results.


Sometimes this even has a "GNU GPL" variant. I've seen a fake "MS-DOS 7.10" before, and i'm pretty sure Microsoft doesn't present a GNU GPL license upon installing it, and I know it wasn't FreeDOS.

Monday, September 5, 2011 - 06:51

I don't know.


If I did one, i'd make it photorealistic because Doom3 was a slow-paced game, and you gotta have the skinpores to make gloss and normals all worth it. Blender's sculpting and baking is finally maturing up so hopefully quick rough stuff in that style should be easy as pants.


I'd be more excited about the Quake4 source someday TBH. That game had a lot of good things going for it in MP (player model push system, napalm, definition flexibility), but spoiled by pro gamer demand (like killing lighting).

Its addition to the Steam store last month is something of an omen, since Carmack always wants to have datasets easily available.

Saturday, June 11, 2011 - 04:09

The 'arms back' running seems very weird.


You beat me on the crossover sprite - was gonna make Dark for USF but I couldn't get USF working and she'd end up looking raucous anyway.

Monday, June 6, 2011 - 08:30

it's a wyvern

Saturday, April 16, 2011 - 18:27

I don't know, it looks more like a technobard trying to start a MIDI file than a programmer....

Sunday, April 10, 2011 - 19:10

Female noises. And by noises I mean coughing, ouching, ahhing, oohing, screaming, jumping, bumping, etc.

also guns, but not of the 'loud snap' kind. so processed guns. mouth into good microphones make better gun noises than guns do.
