Basically when you Fish,Lock pick,Try to make a deal with a Goblin Chief ,draw magic from Artifacts you play a mini-game and depending on the outcome you get the appropriate reward.
Example :
The player comes across a giant blue shard coming out of the ground and if he/she whats to tap in to its magic energy he needs to play a memory game similar to the 90' Simon machine. Depending on the score he will get one of those bonuses.
1.Replenish 50% Mana
2.Replenish 100% Mana
3.Replenish 100% Mana and 50% Hit Points
4.Replenish 100% Hit points and Mana
5.Replenish 100% Hit points and Mana and gain a one time +5 bonus to mana pool
What if the main character (hero) pissed off the bad guy and now he has to gain the power of the elements just to be able to save his ass or perhaps he was working with the bad guys and now wants to redeem himself.
I believe that using a "shady" character would be an interesting twist since deeds of the past might haunt the main character,people will hesitate to help and you can accept and embrace that you are "evil" or try to be "good" and hope you earn the respect and admiration of the people you are trying to save.
Perhaps a companion asks the main character about "what happened" and the story changes depending on what the main character's answer is.
Here's a scenario ...
Grasslands (feat. a pioneer village)
-Goblins have been attacking the caravans the road has been closed and you are stranded in this village (you are not a local) a messenger is sent but you can't leave until The Order will come to help the villagers
-The folowing night disaster strikes !!! some villagers go missing, and an even sinister foe arises in desperation the village elder asks you for your help.
-You accept since you don't really have a saying in the matter and descend in to the local crypt were you fight undead
-You reach the Inner chamber doors but you have to fight the "final boss" (witch is extremely weak doe his recent resurrection) after a brief battle you naturally get you ass kicked but as you are about to get killed "The order" arrives and the final boss flees.
-Now you find yourself "dragged" in this conflict since the "final boss" will surely come after you so you will have to confront him with or without "the order's" help.
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here "Flare" is still young and things might change ... as for the thanking part well ... I do this for the community nothing more nothing less ... I like to think of it as a graffiti saying "Mumu was here!" ... Now lets stop f****g around and just concentrate on adding quality content !
Great work as always ... you should add a trowing animation to the sheet and the upgraded version should have lighning coming out of his eyes , other then that it looks bad ass. Aaaa and befor I forget ... you shoud Do a barrel roll!
If Flare's main theme is survival then by all means violence is not only required it is necessary since savage beasts (or lesser races) are motivated only by primal instinct. As for the other more (or less) intelligent world inhabitants the player should have a saying , aether try to communicate with the orcs blocking the path or let his sword do all the talking.
Different creatures should have different motivations and being a "good guy" and giving some food to a hungry orc or a goblin will not only make game world feel more alive , but perhaps that goblin or orc will reveal some information or put in a good word for you back at the Goblin camp. On the other hand being a "bad guy" by robing some wounded hunter might have negative results but it might help you get noticed by the "right people".Using magic regardless of intention will cause mage hunters to come for the player and when they catch him they might let him go depending on how he used his magic powers. The human settlements are small so "breaking the law" should result in exile further more killing another human should result in death or some kind of irremovable marking. The penalty of commuting lesser crimes should result in a sentence of hard labor (or high risk jobs).
Mini Games
Basically when you Fish,Lock pick,Try to make a deal with a Goblin Chief ,draw magic from Artifacts you play a mini-game and depending on the outcome you get the appropriate reward.
Example :
The player comes across a giant blue shard coming out of the ground and if he/she whats to tap in to its magic energy he needs to play a memory game similar to the 90' Simon machine. Depending on the score he will get one of those bonuses.
1.Replenish 50% Mana
2.Replenish 100% Mana
3.Replenish 100% Mana and 50% Hit Points
4.Replenish 100% Hit points and Mana
5.Replenish 100% Hit points and Mana and gain a one time +5 bonus to mana pool
Just make a .png since People ho actually want to resize will dowload the .svg file ... as for the rest of us (lazy bums) will just grab the .png
Btw thx for the contribution and this is just a suggestion so its up to you to add a pmg or not.
Nice !!!! Ill try to add some more stuff like trees and tires perhaps some kind of road elevations : ))
WTF ... I can't download the file , pls add diferent extensions ...
What if the main character (hero) pissed off the bad guy and now he has to gain the power of the elements just to be able to save his ass or perhaps he was working with the bad guys and now wants to redeem himself.
I believe that using a "shady" character would be an interesting twist since deeds of the past might haunt the main character,people will hesitate to help and you can accept and embrace that you are "evil" or try to be "good" and hope you earn the respect and admiration of the people you are trying to save.
Perhaps a companion asks the main character about "what happened" and the story changes depending on what the main character's answer is.
Here's a scenario ...
Grasslands (feat. a pioneer village)
-Goblins have been attacking the caravans the road has been closed and you are stranded in this village (you are not a local) a messenger is sent but you can't leave until The Order will come to help the villagers
-The folowing night disaster strikes !!! some villagers go missing, and an even sinister foe arises in desperation the village elder asks you for your help.
-You accept since you don't really have a saying in the matter and descend in to the local crypt were you fight undead
-You reach the Inner chamber doors but you have to fight the "final boss" (witch is extremely weak doe his recent resurrection) after a brief battle you naturally get you ass kicked but as you are about to get killed "The order" arrives and the final boss flees.
-Now you find yourself "dragged" in this conflict since the "final boss" will surely come after you so you will have to confront him with or without "the order's" help.
Stuns and Snares are OK I guess since some monsters will just blink near you and kick your ass : )
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here "Flare" is still young and things might change ... as for the thanking part well ... I do this for the community nothing more nothing less ... I like to think of it as a graffiti saying "Mumu was here!" ... Now lets stop f****g around and just concentrate on adding quality content !
Great work as always ... you should add a trowing animation to the sheet and the upgraded version should have lighning coming out of his eyes , other then that it looks bad ass. Aaaa and befor I forget ... you shoud Do a barrel roll!
If Flare's main theme is survival then by all means violence is not only required it is necessary since savage beasts (or lesser races) are motivated only by primal instinct.
As for the other more (or less) intelligent world inhabitants the player should have a saying , aether try to communicate with the orcs blocking the path or let his sword do all the talking.
Different creatures should have different motivations and being a "good guy" and giving some food to a hungry orc or a goblin will not only make game world feel more alive , but perhaps that goblin or orc will reveal some information or put in a good word for you back at the Goblin camp. On the other hand being a "bad guy" by robing some wounded hunter might have negative results but it might help you get noticed by the "right people".Using magic regardless of intention will cause mage hunters to come for the player and when they catch him they might let him go depending on how he used his magic powers.
The human settlements are small so "breaking the law" should result in exile further more killing another human should result in death or some kind of irremovable marking.
The penalty of commuting lesser crimes should result in a sentence of hard labor (or high risk jobs).
And yes the middle is "Wrong" since I made the pattern piece by piece and I "missed" a few components.
Pretty cool ... the model reminds me of the 1st stage enemies from the "Dragon Fighter" NES game : D
All that aside I believe it could use more detail and a feral texture would be a welcomed addition.