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Monday, March 28, 2011 - 08:16

I kinda disagree with the HP values of enemies even a "feeble monster" should have more then 1 HP besides the "hero" starts with 10 HP so most level 1 monsters would have similar values ranging from say 5 to 15 and at leas 0-1 absorption .


Friday, March 25, 2011 - 13:17

I was thinking more of Runes (since I suck at drawing specific things)but here should be the skill icon just for added convenience since having diferent scrolls with the same icons could get confusing ...

Friday, March 25, 2011 - 04:54


Yes the hit and run attcs are present in Diablo I (Hellfire and PS1 version) and yes you can force attk by holding <Shift> (Melee or oderwise) in fact its kida popular while holding a horde of udead in a doorway ...

Killing the Butcher by hit and run tactics NO since hes to fast and has a perrty good Rot (Rate of Fire) but as a mage you can kill him using the lvl 1 Wall of Flames as long as you have mana.

-On topic-

Most monsters in "Flare" have 2 attks (like the skeleton using the crossbow and the sword) so this should not be a problem ... you can fix the problem by editing the range of melee wpns (not recomended) or making the move Minotaur faster or having biger range on his Axe.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 - 10:08

I made some edits myself a while back here are the results I know it sucks but here's the share anyway

I also made some minor edits to some Items even added some new ones

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 09:36

To ceninan

True but since high level spells cost more mana a "pure class" mage can cast more lvl 2 spells at level 4 (since he has more mana) then a level 4 "multi class" warrior/mage  besides the multi class guy may have more HP or MP but he can't use level 4 mage gear (since he lacks the skills) ... +1 Hp is a BIG bonus it can be 0.25 or on time bonuses , for every 3 points you get a fixed value to your Hp/Mp Pool.

Withount dought this bonuses will mean a lot in PvP and can lead to OP builds if not implemented corectly but it cold add a lot of fun and flexibility in the long run

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 - 07:31

Ok how about giving stat bonuses per level based on skill stats for example  you get an extra 1Hp (per Phyisical def. point) per level  and an extra 1Mp (per Magical def. point) per level this way not only you encorage a "pure class" chracter but making a "multi class" character suffer from stat loss witch will be ok since they get skills from different classes.

So ...

                    Level 2          Level 3          Level 4             Results

Warrior    Hp 20(+2)           Hp  26(+3)     Hp 31(+4)          31

              MP 4 (+1)           Mp 5 (+1)       Mp 6(+1)            6

Mage      Hp 16(+1)           Hp 17(+1)      Hp 18(+1)           18

             Mp 8 (+2)            Mp 14(+3)      Mp 19(+4)           19

Hybrid    Hp 16(+1)            Hp 20(+2)     Hp 26(+2)            28

             Mp 8(+2)             Mp 14(+2)     Mp 14 (+3)           17





