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Comments by User

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 19:22

This looks really nice!

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 12:43

Thanks! That's perfect.

I did try to isolate individual key presses, but the sound that I found had them typed in really quick succession, so I couldn't tell if I was even isolating individual keys; sometimes I couldn't tell if the sound was one key being pressed and released or three keys typed in a row.

By the way, it might be more efficient to use loops and just start/stop them while typing, rather than playing one sound for each printed character (just a thought).

I'm not sure what you mean with the loop. Do you mean have a sound that plays the sound of a few keys in a row and stops when typing stops? That won't work well easily; my program allows you to adjust the typing speed. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 15:34

Whoops, forgot to log in. That was me posting.

Thursday, June 2, 2011 - 21:31

I'm still in need of art, mostly graphics. If it seems like a lot, I would gladly accept small pieces from many artists, so you can for example just do a body or a particular punch animation. Anything that would get this project closer to the finish line.

Monday, April 25, 2011 - 06:21

> Using copyrighten works is not  good idea.

I do intend to request permission from respective copyright holders before actually including them in the game distribution, something I forgot to mention in this post. If no permission is granted (would not be surprising), I'll leave the art as a separate download which will be taken down should the copyright holders demand it.

> What licencing are you releasing under and what licencing do you need the art under ?

The game is under the GNU GPL (version 3). Any art license is fine, though to be included with the game the license must of course allow the art to be distributed with Hand2Hand.
