I think 'extrnded idle' or maybe 'bored' could work
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 - 11:16
Separating the Wyvern from the image is fairly tricky because the edges of it are so heavily anti-aliased.
If anyone on OGA knows a good way to do this I'd love to hear it.
Attaching my best effort just using the fuzzy wand tool in the Gimp.
Also two variants of that effort, flattened to black and white masks which can maybe useful.
Going back, I found flattening the dragon to black but leaving the sky as original was kind of pleasing so I've posted that result as well. Also posting a variant with just the text and dragon in black on solid white. You can use the 'Colorize' tool in GIMP to easily change the fill color on this one if you like it but want a different color fill.
Ok, becasue I just can't quit this. Here's a suggestion for a completely different direction. Here I've taken the text and a quickie grab of the dragon and applied 'Filters -> Alpha To Logo -> Basic II'
Then I laid took the background layer from the filter treatment (solid red) and laid it over the original cropped image at 35% opacity.
Definitely a rough draft. One thing I really don't like is the text has become a bit hard to read, partly my fault for packing the two words a bit too closely together. But the overall idea is to push it to more of an abstract design than a concrete picture.
OK because I just can't stay away, I went ahead and made a little white outline for the text.
Not quite as smooth as I'd like but it works well enough to illustrate the idea.
Using the outline, was able to push the levels a little further. At this point, starting to get some banding in the image, but hopefully not noticeable when viewed at normal size.
Attaching the outline and a variant of the icon using the outline to go even more extreme with the colors.
Monday, January 9, 2017 - 21:48
oh, sorry to be all business there. It was nice of you to thank me for my time. Time is definitely a scarce and valuable commodity for me, so I appreciate you saying something about it. I guess your post was just well timed, the challenge intrigued me (probably because I like the source image so much!) and I needed something to distract myself while me inner brain worked out a programming knot I'd gotten stuck in on my own project. So it was actually nice to have something interesting and unrelated to work on for a bit. And as it happens, I woke up this morning and the answer to my programming puzzle came to me, so I've benefitted some here too.
As far as credit, if anything I've done looks even remotely useable, that's just a testament to how great 5hiroi's work is. Be sure to credit him and only bother with my name if you really want to, even then definitely only as 'Icon Editing' or something in very small like that.
Here, just load them up as layers in GIMP and have at it!
Monday, January 9, 2017 - 20:13
hmm, looks like OGA didn't fall for my file extension renaming trick.
I guess we'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Will upload each of the layers as a separate PNG for you.
Monday, January 9, 2017 - 20:11
Sadly, I didn't bother saving out my work as an XCF, so I just had the final PNGs from those tests.
But it was a quick job to pull it all in the GIMP again and get it setup for you, especially having done it once through already. Technically, XCF's are not allowed here, so I've renamed the file to a .png extension, you'll need to
One thing about the button rounding mask I used earlier, it was just cut and pasted quickly, but for whatever reason it was actually smaller than 192x192. So here I've cut the corners out and pushed them back to make a proper 192x192 corner rounding frame.
In the XCF you'll find 5 layers
Background - the wyvern
Dragon - dragon text
Run - run text
Thin frame - frame to cut corners for a 192x192 icon
Thick Frame - frame I used last time, it'll make the image less than 192x192 but included in case you like it better for whatever reason
I hesitate to try and tune the colors to your liking myself, seems like that'd be best done yourself.
But this file should give you everything you need to do that. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
To mess with the colors, just select the background layer and pick a tool from the 'Colors' menu.
I used the 'Levels' Tool, with values 75, 0.5, and 220 for 'Input Levels' left output levels at 0 and 255.
My advice is just fiddle around with the sliders until you get something you like. If levels aren't giving you what you want, try another tool.
One thing you might try is putting a small outline around the font, I found if I pushed the background levels too much, the parts around 'Run' went to black and the text became kinda hard to read. Can give you the 411 on how to do that if you need it. It's not hard, but not really as easy as it should be :)
Attaching a PNG of the new file with the level values quoted above.
That Sonic 'extended idle' animation was classic btw. I'll never forget seeing it for the first time at my buddy's house, blew all our minds!
I could see 'long idle'
I think 'extrnded idle' or maybe 'bored' could work
Separating the Wyvern from the image is fairly tricky because the edges of it are so heavily anti-aliased.
If anyone on OGA knows a good way to do this I'd love to hear it.
Attaching my best effort just using the fuzzy wand tool in the Gimp.
Also two variants of that effort, flattened to black and white masks which can maybe useful.
Going back, I found flattening the dragon to black but leaving the sky as original was kind of pleasing so I've posted that result as well. Also posting a variant with just the text and dragon in black on solid white. You can use the 'Colorize' tool in GIMP to easily change the fill color on this one if you like it but want a different color fill.
Zip files are also not allowed. :(
Ok, becasue I just can't quit this. Here's a suggestion for a completely different direction. Here I've taken the text and a quickie grab of the dragon and applied 'Filters -> Alpha To Logo -> Basic II'
Then I laid took the background layer from the filter treatment (solid red) and laid it over the original cropped image at 35% opacity.
Definitely a rough draft. One thing I really don't like is the text has become a bit hard to read, partly my fault for packing the two words a bit too closely together. But the overall idea is to push it to more of an abstract design than a concrete picture.
OK because I just can't stay away, I went ahead and made a little white outline for the text.
Not quite as smooth as I'd like but it works well enough to illustrate the idea.
Using the outline, was able to push the levels a little further. At this point, starting to get some banding in the image, but hopefully not noticeable when viewed at normal size.
Attaching the outline and a variant of the icon using the outline to go even more extreme with the colors.
oh, sorry to be all business there. It was nice of you to thank me for my time. Time is definitely a scarce and valuable commodity for me, so I appreciate you saying something about it. I guess your post was just well timed, the challenge intrigued me (probably because I like the source image so much!) and I needed something to distract myself while me inner brain worked out a programming knot I'd gotten stuck in on my own project. So it was actually nice to have something interesting and unrelated to work on for a bit. And as it happens, I woke up this morning and the answer to my programming puzzle came to me, so I've benefitted some here too.
As far as credit, if anything I've done looks even remotely useable, that's just a testament to how great 5hiroi's work is. Be sure to credit him and only bother with my name if you really want to, even then definitely only as 'Icon Editing' or something in very small like that.
Here, just load them up as layers in GIMP and have at it!
hmm, looks like OGA didn't fall for my file extension renaming trick.
I guess we'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Will upload each of the layers as a separate PNG for you.
Sadly, I didn't bother saving out my work as an XCF, so I just had the final PNGs from those tests.
But it was a quick job to pull it all in the GIMP again and get it setup for you, especially having done it once through already. Technically, XCF's are not allowed here, so I've renamed the file to a .png extension, you'll need to
One thing about the button rounding mask I used earlier, it was just cut and pasted quickly, but for whatever reason it was actually smaller than 192x192. So here I've cut the corners out and pushed them back to make a proper 192x192 corner rounding frame.
In the XCF you'll find 5 layers
Background - the wyvern
Dragon - dragon text
Run - run text
Thin frame - frame to cut corners for a 192x192 icon
Thick Frame - frame I used last time, it'll make the image less than 192x192 but included in case you like it better for whatever reason
The text is New Rocker font, 48pt.
If you don't have it, you can get the font here:
It's a great one!
I hesitate to try and tune the colors to your liking myself, seems like that'd be best done yourself.
But this file should give you everything you need to do that. Let me know if you have any trouble with it.
To mess with the colors, just select the background layer and pick a tool from the 'Colors' menu.
I used the 'Levels' Tool, with values 75, 0.5, and 220 for 'Input Levels' left output levels at 0 and 255.
My advice is just fiddle around with the sliders until you get something you like. If levels aren't giving you what you want, try another tool.
One thing you might try is putting a small outline around the font, I found if I pushed the background levels too much, the parts around 'Run' went to black and the text became kinda hard to read. Can give you the 411 on how to do that if you need it. It's not hard, but not really as easy as it should be :)
Attaching a PNG of the new file with the level values quoted above.
Let me know if XCF gives you any trouble.