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Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - 11:18

I like it. Make more, with some lower volume this could be awesome in like a chibi restaurant simulator or something for iOS. Just imagine sprites bouncing up and down as they walk around and eat. The doorbell ringing as people come in, the cha-ching as people pay at the register, the "Hoi!" sound affect when someone's ready to order at their table and the little speech bubble with a hand waving in it.


If you like making this type of stuff, it'd be cool if you could do some more aimed at a medieval fantasy game. If you could pull off at least three songs in this style that I can use, I'll use it.

Monday, July 7, 2014 - 17:01

That's some easy stuff to fix.

Monday, July 7, 2014 - 02:16

Only if it's software or packed into an executable.

It should be fine if you call the image from a folder inside the directory rather than storing the image inside the compiled executable. If you put it inside, you have to release the game as open source.

Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 20:25




All compiled into one, you're right, works great in Tiled. Hopefully I'll get my name up there as a contributor when I actually get around to adding something, haha.


Sunday, July 6, 2014 - 11:31

Here it comes. You overuse synth pads, to the point most of your music is useless. Your music sounds ridiculous most of the time and I found myself laughing out loud on one track, the name of which escapes me.

Remember that episode of Friends when Ross puts on a performance with his keyboard for everyone else and then they laugh at him? Yeah.

Issues with your compositions:

Melodies aren't memorable.

Overuse of synths - Synths mostly drown out anything else in the track.

There's nothing "Fantasy" about synths, use real world equivalents to fantasy instruments if you must.


If you're the rational type of person who is taking my criticism seriously and not getting emotional and "mad" then you're the type of person interested in improving.

Here's a good video for you - This will help you ALOT. I look forward to your future work if you stop using synths.


On the plus side -

I can see your stuff being useful to moneygrabbing indies who want some quick tracks for their iOS puzzle clone games though.



Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 20:59


I sent you an email. Steam would be preferable.

My username on Steam is the same, as is my avatar so I shouldn't be difficult to find.


As for the waterfall, there is a single height fragmented line at the base and top of the waterfall which are supposed to be bubbles though they are hard to see, I would imagine that a seperate animation layered on top (similar to a spell animation) for bubbles would be better, that way you can use the seperate animation elsewhere.

Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 20:13

My bad, there was nothing wrong with the verticle bridge, I measured it wrong, heh.


To make up for it, I fixed the left and upper water border tiles so they were more consistent to the perspective and added sides for use as deeper water tiles.


Also fixed the rocks, mushrooms, they were on two tiles which was wasted space so I moved them to one. I thought perhaps you'd meant for it to be used as a fringe/block thing, but it wouldn't work given the size.


Stump was too close to the tree for mapping, so I moved it over to the right. It also takes six tiles (?!) it could easily be on four, more wasted space! It's now on four tiles.



Also, for the big tree, it now takes up 16 tiles instead of 20 and is centered with 7 pixels of space either side.

Last but not  least, the straight edge of the top edge tile was bugging me, so I changed it.




That's all for now, going to keep adding bits to this over time, I've got some assets from my own custom tileset that will go nicely with this one with some recolouring so I might throw those on here.


Keep at it all, this is a nice style and would be great to see as a game.




You can do a decent amount with the current tiles.


I think I'm going to try working on some stone ruin tiles to put on the island. :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 19:40

Keep 'em coming. Like the style.

Reminds me of Runscape in the track layout, loved that game when it was good.

Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 19:38

@undesired Well, law isn't cement, there's always a loophole here and there. If  they claim it as a parody or fan tribute, they can't get in trouble for it - you however don't have plausible deniability, so yeah - avoid.



Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 19:35

There's a commisions sub-forum for paid projects, you'll have better luck there. The type of person who looks for paid work doesn't come to this forum to give out "freebies". :P


