The most important thing to isolate is the game logic, in my experience. Get it mixed up with the graphics engine, and you'll be in for a world of hurt. And sure, if you have really generic code such as for vector math or basic physics, it pays to have it as an easily reusable library. So yeah, think in terms of libraries, not engines, is my opinion -- the latter are only reusable between very similar games.
Thank you! It was made in a hurry, for a specific purpose. If anyone needs it, I can easily make more castle pieces. I may even be able to make an .obj version in a pinch, but it's not my specialty.
You do realize that clicking ads just to score clicks can be construed as click fraud by paranoid ad brokers *cough* Google *cough* and get the publisher banned. Instead of helping your favorite developer, you'd be leaving them without an income source. So please don't. Donate if you can, buy if you can, but don't click ads at random.
Keep in mind that 15" laptop screens (the cheapest and most common) seem to have standardized on 1366x768. (Though older 1280x800 screens are still common.) Also remember that the browser chrome takes up space too. And what if you want your game to be embedded in an existing Web page?
Most importantly, the more pixels you have to push, the lower your framerate. And pixel counts increase geometrically with resolution.
I can attest that Javascript is still an atypical choice for roguelikes, relative to other languages. But otherwise HTML5 is taking hold.
Speaking of that, good work Budha! It's moving smoothly, and I was able to figure out the gameplay in a coule of attempts. Couldn't hear the sound, though (on FF13 under Linux, and yes, it works fine generally). Do you have any yet?
Re: option four, I'd like to mention an example from outside the gaming world. 37 Signals set out to create an online service (and later more), but the underlying framework proved so generally useful they open sourced it. Nowadays it's known as Ruby On Rails, and doesn't need any more introduction.
How to apply that to a game? I don't know. But the engine isn't everything -- parts of it could be useful in isolation. There are supporting tools that may be essential to the creation process. The art could be released in such a way that parts of it can be easily reused, but reassembling it into a complete build of the game is non-trivial.
All these schemes are quite complicated, though, and that's a bad sign. Maybe the question is wrong in the first place?
You know, my futuristic city concept is actually based on some dreams I used to have. One of these days I should get around to making more scenes like that.
But no, I'm not sure making a game based on "forgot my clothes" style dreams is a good idea at all. Dream-like flying, on the other hand, would make a nice game mechanic.
What if I don't care exactly how my work is attributed? Mentioning my (real) name is enough, as I'm easy to find on the Internet; failing that, a link to the original material should do the trick -- someone actually did that for one of my tutorials. (Then again, resources on the Internet can move or disappear.) Does it really matter that much? On the other hand, you have a point about forgetting what came from where...
The most important thing to isolate is the game logic, in my experience. Get it mixed up with the graphics engine, and you'll be in for a world of hurt. And sure, if you have really generic code such as for vector math or basic physics, it pays to have it as an easily reusable library. So yeah, think in terms of libraries, not engines, is my opinion -- the latter are only reusable between very similar games.
Thank you! It was made in a hurry, for a specific purpose. If anyone needs it, I can easily make more castle pieces. I may even be able to make an .obj version in a pinch, but it's not my specialty.
You do realize that clicking ads just to score clicks can be construed as click fraud by paranoid ad brokers *cough* Google *cough* and get the publisher banned. Instead of helping your favorite developer, you'd be leaving them without an income source. So please don't. Donate if you can, buy if you can, but don't click ads at random.
Keep in mind that 15" laptop screens (the cheapest and most common) seem to have standardized on 1366x768. (Though older 1280x800 screens are still common.) Also remember that the browser chrome takes up space too. And what if you want your game to be embedded in an existing Web page?
Most importantly, the more pixels you have to push, the lower your framerate. And pixel counts increase geometrically with resolution.
I can attest that Javascript is still an atypical choice for roguelikes, relative to other languages. But otherwise HTML5 is taking hold.
Speaking of that, good work Budha! It's moving smoothly, and I was able to figure out the gameplay in a coule of attempts. Couldn't hear the sound, though (on FF13 under Linux, and yes, it works fine generally). Do you have any yet?
Re: option four, I'd like to mention an example from outside the gaming world. 37 Signals set out to create an online service (and later more), but the underlying framework proved so generally useful they open sourced it. Nowadays it's known as Ruby On Rails, and doesn't need any more introduction.
How to apply that to a game? I don't know. But the engine isn't everything -- parts of it could be useful in isolation. There are supporting tools that may be essential to the creation process. The art could be released in such a way that parts of it can be easily reused, but reassembling it into a complete build of the game is non-trivial.
All these schemes are quite complicated, though, and that's a bad sign. Maybe the question is wrong in the first place?
Any technique that yelds good art is a good way to make art. And this one looks interesting indeed.
Hi there.
First of all, would you care to introduce yourself, and maybe show us some of your previous work?
Second, I've never heard of those games. Link, please?
Third, are their publishers still around? Because some of them are lawsuit-happy.
Last but not least, what kind of help do you need?
You know, my futuristic city concept is actually based on some dreams I used to have. One of these days I should get around to making more scenes like that.
But no, I'm not sure making a game based on "forgot my clothes" style dreams is a good idea at all. Dream-like flying, on the other hand, would make a nice game mechanic.
What if I don't care exactly how my work is attributed? Mentioning my (real) name is enough, as I'm easy to find on the Internet; failing that, a link to the original material should do the trick -- someone actually did that for one of my tutorials. (Then again, resources on the Internet can move or disappear.) Does it really matter that much? On the other hand, you have a point about forgetting what came from where...