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Thursday, March 15, 2012 - 13:33

Most of my recent titles are written in Javascript, some with canvas, some (like my unfinished roguelike) with more traditional displays. I also have a couple of titles in Java ME. Wrote a Reversi game in Tcl/Tk, too, but that was back in 2000. Wouldn't do it again. And I ported one of my games from JS/canvas to C++/OpenGL, but that was a one-off experiment (which went exceptionally well).

In the way of exotic languages, I happen to be interested in interactive fiction. I've written real, if small, games in Inform 6 and more recently TADS 3. And I'm not sure it counts, but right now I'm porting a game to a Web-based system of my own built around the Mold templating language.

If you ask me, I'd say making games is a game in itself, so if you want to play at making a game in an exotic language, go right ahead. Just make sure other people can play the game, too. Unless you're making the game just for yourself, but what would be the point?

Monday, February 27, 2012 - 05:17

Same symptoms in both Firefox 3.6 and Opera 11.50 on Fedora 14.

Saturday, February 25, 2012 - 11:38

So it's not just me!

Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 04:37

I don't have a suitable mobile device, but I tried it in Firefox (3.6, running in Fedora 14). I don't care for the gameplay, but it's all very polished and responds well. My computer being seriously old by now, that's noticeable. Especially as most other HTML5 games I've seen aren't optimized at all. Thumbs up!

Monday, January 2, 2012 - 03:33

I'm highly skeptical of the idea that people ever "invent" anything. It's not like we make things possible that weren't before; we merely discover that they were possible all along. Moreover, invention doesn't come from divine inspiration, but by recombining what came before. (There is even a field of engineering that formalizes the process.) That's why people working independently so often make the same inventions at the same time. And we, as a society, reward the one who can run faster to the patent office! Not to mention the harm done by delaying every little progress by decades, because the first version of an invention is often terrible, and it's subsequent innovators that turn it into something useful.

And then there are computer programs that invent new algorithms. So much for human "inventors" doing something unique and special...

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 14:48

W00t! Glad to hear you're finding them useful. I'd like to hear about your progress, and if you need more specific scenes, let me know.

Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 11:28

That's a real issue. I did that too, uploading two pieces of art separately, even though they are part of the same project and should arguably go together. But somebody liked one of them while completely ignoring the other, and indeed I can easily imagine each piece being used by itself.

Also, what ceninan said: it's hard to draw a line.

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 05:56

I just did. The .pov files are the 3D models. There's nothing else, I've created the scenes all by hand.

Monday, November 28, 2011 - 01:56

There you go. I'm not sure how much sense it makes, as POV-Ray files are largely useless with other tools, but you can read them and extract the exact measurements at the very least (everything's in meters).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 13:11

Ooh, I know one of those: -- pretty much what it says on the tin.
