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Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 20:46

@capbros all taken in good spirit my friend, i see what your saying, and your right it's not great for anyone searching for artwork, and that's what this site is all about in essence, to be that resource.


its a great platform, I guess we will just have to be a little more sure it will get sorted.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 14:34

not sure here, maybe a confliction of license was found and it was removed, or the owner has changed the name? if you remember the artist try looking through his submitted art, or collection.

sorry cant be more help, if you have a copy of the license when you started using the art you may be ok, but not 100% sure, someone else may need to jump on this thred.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 - 14:03

there are some really good ideas here.

From what i read here there is clearly some of us having issues with OGA and are unsure of its state of play.But this is going to be a difference experiance for everybody. I create art and upload it here and have absolutly no problems whats so ever,so to me I dont see anything wrong, however if i was a developer looking for art i may be finding some issues, this obvously has an effect on those that are uploading art.

I think the site generally runs as it should really, the forums are ok, uplaods are ok, links are ok, but again it depends on whos doing what to see how much effect the small issues are.

those that build websites from scratch knows only to well the problems that can arise and that they can be a pain in the arse to put right and take time,and its good to have some help to fix little things.That help is crucial and i think i speak for everybody here that the administrators do an incredible job doing what they do and we thank them massively and appreciate their responses on here.

But there is only so much you guys can do, and as Redshrike quite rightly says, "its Barts site" and they do not want to over step there boundarys. I think we can all apreciate as well that he has children, so do many of us, but it doesn't take a minute to post a about how he is or whats on going.

I think some are seaking some reasurance, so Bart if you are reading these posts, just pop in and say hello.

I hope you and family are well.




Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 02:59

I'm quite happy to stay online and keep an eye on posts, if I see anything that I think is spam, articles that are not game, game art related and have links to other sites requesting monies or abvertising I will mark as spam.think that is all I can do to help.

Thursday, June 30, 2016 - 02:17

@claudeb thanks for your nice comment, the site is live now, just waiting for the link to be OKed on here, there's a link on my Twitter page.

bit different to a normal website, I wanted to make it more game related, technically it's a place just like what a website would be only that you will be able to collect coins, have an inventory, find items,collect other stuff, play mini games, Easter eggs and all sorts. It's a website, but it's a game as well, just a bit of fun really.

early days thou so hopefully it will soon come together.

Saturday, May 7, 2016 - 18:37

Interesting post, could I ask, would you say there would need to be different set ups of Sprite sheets dependant on different softwares being used by the developer? Example I suppose would be to have a character that ran/walk as drawn by the artist, or have the same character but parts dissected, like the arms and legs so the developer can arrange them him/herself?


Monday, April 11, 2016 - 13:11

Thank you all for your comments, it's helped a lot, I apolize if this is going over old grounds, you think you understand it then you get thrown a curve ball, I just wanted to be sure on a few things so I can continue create CCO license work.

all the best everyone and thanks again.

Monday, April 11, 2016 - 02:40

Yes, i read about collection's too, I kinda thought that, if someone uses my caveman sheet with my Greenland tiles and calls it caveman game, it could be considered a collection? If someone just uses they caveman sheet for there project is fine, but using the same tiles set as well could be infringing on that persons collection of work as suppose to just using a few images, assuming they copyright the game using those sprites.

hmm, isn't the work I do a collection of my work by chasersgaming, could that be seen as a collection? Or would it be necessary to actually Wright, a collection of work from chasersgaming, and then set the public domain? Wow, it could go either way really, maybe just to save argument is just to release under the other license with a attribution notice.

im back to thinking that what is the point of the CCO license at all if it doesn't protect no one when they use it, although my work isn't good enough to warrant such an argument, but maybe one day it might,.

if such a thing came to a lawsuit it would be difficult to prove that someone had used a part of work which is part of someone's collection when the exactly the same work is available on a public domain license.if they public domain license work was dated before the copyrighted work then hat would save the argument wouldn't it? 

I am waffling on a bit sorry, it can spiral out of control, hahahaha.

Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 18:54

Found this whilst searching and this sets my mind at rest proper. Perfectly said.

The term “public domain” refers to creative materials that are not protected by intellectual property laws such as copyright, trademark, or patent laws. The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016 - 15:47

@Tozen thanks for your reply, you are exactly right, I have given up all rights under the CCO license, but they are still a license of Public domain, I do not feel great about someone who has used CCO license material and then copyright/license it under a different terms, for them to try and sue for liabilities later, or that anyone who has used my work for any purposes including commercials are then unable to use that work.

I think I would like to think that people moral's would come in to play when using such work, but like you say, they can do what they want, but as the original Author I think that grants you some rights regardless of the license release, and would feel that if anyone plans to do a copyright they would need to ask my permissions still, even if it means pulling the work offline and making others aware,(not that I would do that) so the copyrighted work would go ahead..........

you know what i'm confused again.........

I just create work for everyone to use for free, if someones going to use and copyright it then that gos against my etho's of how I want to work, and that just ruins it for me and others.

I do wonder what is the point of the CCO license right now, perhaps like you say i should use a different license that protects from that sort of behavouir.

Has anyone had this sort of trouble before? or suggest a better license? il have a look and read through them.

thanks everyone.:)
