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Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 10:02

theres no actual 'author' of the person/s uploading the content to the site, so no one to complain to or about, no one to give the 100 lashings to. ;) seems anyone can just upload. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 09:24

Hows anybody doing so far? anybody want to share some screenshots or progress? :)

i'm having a go, experimenting, as you do. :)

heres a screen shot. ZX Spectrum style!

Monday, February 3, 2020 - 14:39

here is a ZX Spectrum version of the Banner :)

Saturday, February 1, 2020 - 10:26

if you want to extend the jam to 4 weeks then you can do that, its entirely up to you. :) for some, 3 weeks will be more than enough. Most jams are only a week, or even a couple of days. ;)

If a particiapnt wants to make a certain genre of game, and they know it will take longer than the time needed, then it's probably best to choose a different genre. OR just make a demo and do what you can, and get some feedback. Theres no rule that says the project HAS to be a full game. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 02:54

@ZomBCool, thats great, il update the thread. :)

Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 13:07

Try copy and paste to notepad, then copy notepad and paste to forum. i often find this works better, without any issues. ;)





typed this using notepad and pasted here.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 02:58

Ok, Il speak to him about it. :) thanks

Monday, January 20, 2020 - 16:25

I didn't know you could do that, thats a cool idea! Sure, thanks, could we add withtheloves art challenges too? or have them be able to edit as well? Thanks

Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 08:24

Cool il post a thread shortly. :) When you ready i could add the art challenge dates/links :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 - 07:41

I don't think there is anything 'magical' about the summer jam, but the one thing it is, is 'consistant' every year since it started back in 2017, so because of that its just become routine and perhaps it can be better planned for maybe and more are aware off its existance. The jam will continue to run regardless of particiption unless i can't do it for whatever reason.

Also, there may be some that do want to participate in an OGA jam, but maybe the summer isn't the right time for them, so i really like the idea of others holding other jams later on in the year to cater for those unable to participate in the summer jam, including myself, i cant enter the jam i host, well i could, but i wouldn't want to for rating purposes. Also other members of the community can get involved too if they wanted, and put their own spin on procedings, like your Fall jam operates differently than the summer jam. It's cool to have some variety. :) 

IMO, having seasonal jams is the best way i think without over doing it and can be evenly spaced out throughout the year.

We still as of this moment have no confirmation whether or not @XomAdept is going to run a 'Winter jam' or if @Spring is going to do a 'Spring' jam. (i hope they are OK) So as it stands we are only looking at two jams this year anyway (Summer & Fall). Unless Xom is planning on a Feb 1st start, at which case there isn't much time left to 'promote' it, but still doable. :) I hope we can get some clarity on those soon.

In the meantime i propose this schedule:

Spring Jam: April 1st (4weeks) *or however long the host wants to have it run

Summer Jam: July 1st(4 weeks)

Fall Jam: October 1st(4 weeks) *or however long the withthelove wants to have it run

Winter Jam: 1st Jan(4 weeks) *or however long the host wants to have it run

This gives 2 months between each jam, where the art challenges are/could be held in between, or even ongoing during jam periods, for those that want to contribute to the jam in some way without programming.(just through that in there) :)

Should Xom Adept & Spring not want to do the jams then we can leave them blank for now and not schedule them in the year. :)


