The game at the moment uses 2d graphics for the screens even though they have a 3d perspective. the Pirate portrait pic is a 3d model. I find 3d models are more better for graphics.
"Can you think of an example of a game that is similar to what you are doing?"
If you mean moving screen by screen without use of a 3d engine to walk around the gameworld in Yes, old dos batch games or text adventure graphic games often copied the same code over and over and over to go screen to screen. to go north, to go west, to go south ect. ect ect.
The art I did with the GIMP brushes give my screens that 3d 2d isometrical look that's similar to Sacred. But this game is not Sacred,. The screens were all done with Custom GIMP brushes that came from Public Domain, Royalty Free Creative Common sources. Even the Pirate model was a Royalty Free blender model. That's why I put him in my game. Otherwise if he was not royalty free I would not use him.
What does my code look like? Oh well (its RATHER LONG) It's long because I'm dealing with alot of level thresholds.......
On this screen I've set up the overdrives, the displays, and set a couple of armors, but all the spells have yet to be installed... So not everything is all set up yet... There's alot of things to set up.......
:fregionc rem ** Up to Mausoleumn entrance in forest region title: Massive Rpg, Region: FOREST ENDS, Mausoleum Ruins, Sector 02 cls set adv=0 mode con cols=172 lines=72 set killcount=%killcount%
rem Carrying on killcount from previous screen battle
if %adv% EQU 1 insertbmp /p:"portrait.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:125 if %captscar% EQU 1 if %clothes% EQU 1 insertbmp /p:"porscar.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:105 if %captscar% EQU 1 if %clothes% EQU 7 insertbmp /p:"porscarb1.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:105
rem *********** Set All the Overdrive Jumps for number of Monster Kills *
rem Once the numbers been reached the overdrive jump is ready, jump into overdrive when player
Answer: Why write the game in batch code? Well because the game engines that I've looked at so far Ogre, Torg3d have NOT been flexible or customizable enough. Theres no import texture option in the terrain making tools in half of these engines to allow you to use your own custom made images. or have texture painting tools for painting your own custom bitmaps on the meshes, instead they just let you use the engine's default images or materials that are in the game project library for the customising.
And the way to get round this kind of limitation is just to cause you more problems because you have to convert all your materials into the format the engine wants and then drag it all into the engine's project directories manually yourself so there's precious hours and days getting wasted already in trying to set up all the game libraries just so the engine can use your stuff..
And more time is being wasted when these engines won't even support any batch scripting which is one of the most common languages used in windows but only support more complicated languages instead and just leave you with a headache the size of the Grand Canyon because there's no Bridge for the languages. So I expected a game engine to be C++ friendly for C++ experienced users or java script friendly for those experienced with Java but also windows batch script friendly as well so there's that's crucial bridge in place so there's not such a steep learning curve to waste If there's no bridge, then its just a big hole.
I've looked at Irrgbulder, and that engine has some issues. no import option at all for loading my game screens in for terrain materials or any 3d mesh paint tool to paint my game screens on the mesh with.and because the player controls moves so slow and sluggish at times it looks like there's a swingweight problem going on with the model rigging.....And may need to be all redone.......... Other Issues such as the FOV camera going too far forward beyond the player FOV or going straight through the model at times when changing from 3rd person to 1st person modes. That engine is going to be a dog if those issues are still going on with it.
Then you have Torque 3d, it also has some issues as well....... and one of them is it uses DTS and Collada files, for the meshes. And again causing another headache for the windows user just to be different from the industry. That alone makes that a dog of an engine to try to work with. That you can't use the common file formats and have to convert to the special file formats.
I'm making a game that needs some radioactive barrels, all kinds of different types of contaminated barrels bubbling with radiation I guess,
The Undead being powered by radiation (that's why they have red or green glowing
eyes) because someone dumped hazardous waste deep in the crypts and the undead came to life.
So there's a vast underground dumping area of hazardous waste under the crypts, accessed through a hidden wall but you can't enter into the hidden dumping ground unless you have a radiation suit.
The orange and green goo showing on the surface in contaminated sewers has a bipolar
effect on the region's wildlife. Giving them bad moods.
I also don't understand how separately threaded executable will be able to update a value in the batch without also interrupting the code flow or requiring the batch to wait until the executable is done... which would defeat the purpose. Do you have a way for a separately executed program to inject values into the batch WHILE the batch is running?
for /f "Tokens=1-2" %%a in ('bg mouse') do ( set /a X=%%b, Y=%%a rem )
echo. X at %x%. %Y% bg locate %Y% %X% & bg print 0A "01<- Click Here!" if %X% EQU 22 if %Y% EQU 5 goto mmsa
So if I wanted to click at a certain spot on the screen like on an icon position.
if %X% GTR 103 if %Y% EQU 39 goto furyspell if %X% EQU 103 if %Y% EQU 40 goto furyspell if %X% EQU 103 if %Y% EQU 41 goto furyspell if %X% EQU 104 if %Y% EQU 42 goto furyspell
very Crude way of trying to define a hotspot area but it worked somewhat....because I don't know how to program it to properly define the hotspot area all around the icon yet... It seems you can pass environment values to the executable program outside the batch using the tokens command..
But that's how the guy who made bg.exe got the mouse to work in batch file with an executable so that will allow me to hook the mouse code into any piece of code using a goto jump. But there is a downside, the way that he coded his exe, shuts down the keyboard while its waiting for the mouse button to be clicked in the console, and only if you click with the mouse on the hotspot does the keyboard return back to normal again again. he hasn't fixed that issue yet. I'm hoping he will fix it so I can use both the mouse and keyboard in the console.
I'm using windows vista. I don't know where the main loop is to allow me to affect all the other loops for setting up things like Potion of mentor, ect, because the code has been looped into all 500+ screens. And apart from a few bugs I've still to iron out, the game is little clunky but works.... and it is a complicated game because it involves lots of level thresholds as well.
It might have to be an executable because of the Limits I've reached with the Windows Batch language
set ptimer=150 (or 150000 if using miliseconds)
wait.exe %ptimer%
if %ptimer% EQU 20 echo. Warning Potion is wearing off. && goto maingame
if %ptimer% LEQ 0 goto mentoroff
echo. Potion has now worn off.
set pmentor=0
if %mentor% LEQ 0 echo. You have no more mentor potions left...&& goto maingame.
Oh, Have I got the wrong forum? This game is still in early development. I have only completed about maybe around 30% of the game. The code size is now 6 megs, while all the game screens over
500 of them total around 290 mb in size.
Doing all the game screens is like only around 10% of the work.
The hard work now comes with all the scripting. Scripting each weapon for its random sound set into each screen that you do combat with. Have to have random sounds for the sword and if using the hammer or another type of weapon you need a set of sounds for those as well.
I have to do it this way screen by screen set up because I don't yet have a
3d engine to put the game in.
That's why it won't surprise me if every screen in my game that requires a battle scene
has up to 2,000-3,000 lines of code just to set up all the spells, all the armours,
all the weapons and the battles routines, loot drops, the Levelling Thresholdings,
setting the difficulty levels and drops according to playing level, setting levels of rewards
and other stats and so on. There's alot of assigning you have to do.
The game at the moment uses 2d graphics for the screens even though they have a 3d perspective. the Pirate portrait pic is a 3d model. I find 3d models are more better for graphics.
"Can you think of an example of a game that is similar to what you are doing?"
If you mean moving screen by screen without use of a 3d engine to walk around the gameworld in Yes, old dos batch games or text adventure graphic games often copied the same code over and over and over to go screen to screen. to go north, to go west, to go south ect. ect ect.
The art I did with the GIMP brushes give my screens that 3d 2d isometrical look that's similar to Sacred. But this game is not Sacred,. The screens were all done with Custom GIMP brushes that came from Public Domain, Royalty Free Creative Common sources. Even the Pirate model was a Royalty Free blender model. That's why I put him in my game. Otherwise if he was not royalty free I would not use him.
What does my code look like? Oh well (its RATHER LONG) It's long because I'm dealing with alot of level thresholds.......
On this screen I've set up the overdrives, the displays, and set a couple of armors, but all the spells have yet to be installed... So not everything is all set up yet... There's alot of things to set up.......
rem ** Up to Mausoleumn entrance in forest region
title: Massive Rpg, Region: FOREST ENDS, Mausoleum Ruins, Sector 02
set adv=0
mode con cols=172 lines=72
set killcount=%killcount%
rem Carrying on killcount from previous screen battle
if %adv% EQU 1 insertbmp /p:"portrait.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:125
if %captscar% EQU 1 if %clothes% EQU 1 insertbmp /p:"porscar.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:105
if %captscar% EQU 1 if %clothes% EQU 7 insertbmp /p:"porscarb1.bmp" /x:845 /y:45 /z:105
rem *********** Set All the Overdrive Jumps for number of Monster Kills *
rem Once the numbers been reached the overdrive jump is ready, jump into overdrive when player
rem goes into battle with Vampyr.
set killcount=%killcount%
if %killcount% EQU 5 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 10 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 15 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 20 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav && insertbmp /p:"overdrive.bmp" /x:955 /y:2 /z:100
if %killcount% EQU 25 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 30 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 35 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 40 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav && insertbmp /p:"overdrive.bmp" /x:955 /y:2 /z:100
if %killcount% EQU 45 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 55 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 40 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 45 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav && insertbmp /p:"overdrive.bmp" /x:955 /y:2 /z:100
if %killcount% EQU 55 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 65 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 70 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 80 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav && insertbmp /p:"overdrive.bmp" /x:955 /y:2 /z:100
if %killcount% EQU 85 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 90 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 95 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 105 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav && insertbmp /p:"overdrive.bmp" /x:955 /y:2 /z:100
if %killcount% EQU 110 insertbmp /p:"plasmared.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 115 insertbmp /p:"plasmaor.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start powerup.wav
if %killcount% EQU 120 insertbmp /p:"plasblu.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav
if %killcount% EQU 130 insertbmp /p:"plasmagreen.bmp" /x:1215 /y:20 /z:90 && start full.wav &&
ect. ect. the code is actually like the Great wall of China. It just goes on and on.
Other things like what would make me more productive. I lack knowledge in this area.
Answer: Why write the game in batch code? Well because the game engines that I've looked at so far Ogre, Torg3d have NOT been flexible or customizable enough. Theres no import texture option in the terrain making tools in half of these engines to allow you to use your own custom made images. or have texture painting tools for painting your own custom bitmaps on the meshes, instead they just let you use the engine's default images or materials that are in the game project library for the customising.
And the way to get round this kind of limitation is just to cause you more problems because you have to convert all your materials into the format the engine wants and then drag it all into the engine's project directories manually yourself so there's precious hours and days getting wasted already in trying to set up all the game libraries just so the engine can use your stuff..
And more time is being wasted when these engines won't even support any batch scripting which is one of the most common languages used in windows but only support more complicated languages instead and just leave you with a headache the size of the Grand Canyon because there's no Bridge for the languages. So I expected a game engine to be C++ friendly for C++ experienced users or java script friendly for those experienced with Java but also windows batch script friendly as well so there's that's crucial bridge in place so there's not such a steep learning curve to waste If there's no bridge, then its just a big hole.
I've looked at Irrgbulder, and that engine has some issues. no import option at all for loading my game screens in for terrain materials or any 3d mesh paint tool to paint my game screens on the mesh with.and because the player controls moves so slow and sluggish at times it looks like there's a swingweight problem going on with the model rigging.....And may need to be all redone.......... Other Issues such as the FOV camera going too far forward beyond the player FOV or going straight through the model at times when changing from 3rd person to 1st person modes. That engine is going to be a dog if those issues are still going on with it.
Then you have Torque 3d, it also has some issues as well....... and one of them is it uses DTS and Collada files, for the meshes. And again causing another headache for the windows user just to be different from the industry. That alone makes that a dog of an engine to try to work with. That you can't use the common file formats and have to convert to the special file formats.
I'm making a game that needs some radioactive barrels, all kinds of different types of contaminated barrels bubbling with radiation I guess,
The Undead being powered by radiation (that's why they have red or green glowing
eyes) because someone dumped hazardous waste deep in the crypts and the undead came to life.
So there's a vast underground dumping area of hazardous waste under the crypts, accessed through a hidden wall but you can't enter into the hidden dumping ground unless you have a radiation suit.
The orange and green goo showing on the surface in contaminated sewers has a bipolar
effect on the region's wildlife. Giving them bad moods.
what about radioactive barrels, bright orange goo, bright green goo leaking out of them.
I also don't understand how separately threaded executable will be able to update a value in the batch without also interrupting the code flow or requiring the batch to wait until the executable is done... which would defeat the purpose. Do you have a way for a separately executed program to inject values into the batch WHILE the batch is running?
for /f "Tokens=1-2" %%a in ('bg mouse') do (
set /a X=%%b, Y=%%a
rem )
echo. X at %x%. %Y%
bg locate %Y% %X% & bg print 0A "01<- Click Here!"
if %X% EQU 22 if %Y% EQU 5 goto mmsa
So if I wanted to click at a certain spot on the screen like on an icon position.
if %X% GTR 103 if %Y% EQU 39 goto furyspell
if %X% EQU 103 if %Y% EQU 40 goto furyspell
if %X% EQU 103 if %Y% EQU 41 goto furyspell
if %X% EQU 104 if %Y% EQU 42 goto furyspell
very Crude way of trying to define a hotspot area but it worked somewhat....because I don't know how to program it to properly define the hotspot area all around the icon yet... It seems you can pass environment values to the executable program outside the batch using the tokens command..
But that's how the guy who made bg.exe got the mouse to work in batch file with an executable so that will allow me to hook the mouse code into any piece of code using a goto jump. But there is a downside, the way that he coded his exe, shuts down the keyboard while its waiting for the mouse button to be clicked in the console, and only if you click with the mouse on the hotspot does the keyboard return back to normal again again. he hasn't fixed that issue yet. I'm hoping he will fix it so I can use both the mouse and keyboard in the console.
I'm using windows vista. I don't know where the main loop is to allow me to affect all the other loops for setting up things like Potion of mentor, ect, because the code has been looped into all 500+ screens. And apart from a few bugs I've still to iron out, the game is little clunky but works.... and it is a complicated game because it involves lots of level thresholds as well.
It might have to be an executable because of the Limits I've reached with the Windows Batch language
set ptimer=150 (or 150000 if using miliseconds)
wait.exe %ptimer%
if %ptimer% EQU 20 echo. Warning Potion is wearing off. && goto maingame
if %ptimer% LEQ 0 goto mentoroff
echo. Potion has now worn off.
set pmentor=0
if %mentor% LEQ 0 echo. You have no more mentor potions left...&& goto maingame.
set playerxp=%playerxp%
goto maingame.
Oh, Have I got the wrong forum? This game is still in early development. I have only completed about maybe around 30% of the game. The code size is now 6 megs, while all the game screens over
500 of them total around 290 mb in size.
Doing all the game screens is like only around 10% of the work.
The hard work now comes with all the scripting. Scripting each weapon for its random sound set into each screen that you do combat with. Have to have random sounds for the sword and if using the hammer or another type of weapon you need a set of sounds for those as well.
I have to do it this way screen by screen set up because I don't yet have a
3d engine to put the game in.
That's why it won't surprise me if every screen in my game that requires a battle scene
has up to 2,000-3,000 lines of code just to set up all the spells, all the armours,
all the weapons and the battles routines, loot drops, the Levelling Thresholdings,
setting the difficulty levels and drops according to playing level, setting levels of rewards
and other stats and so on. There's alot of assigning you have to do.
I uploaded some music under the music assets area
This looks similar to my Nuclear Waste Boss pic I made.
I hope to get Nuclear Waste some 3d.