yeah, I really would have liked to have it in layers as well, I was hoping someone else could do that, since I am not an artist! And since the project this was made for is stalled, I won't be paying the artist to work on this piece any longer :(.
Surt, that is a great idea, people could make mockups and inspire people to make games... there oughta be links to the original art though.
Much like combining pieces of clothing that others would never have thought of....
[edit] here is my mockup, I tried combining it with Blarget2's tiles, it works very well, also, splitting the tiles up in 8 * 8, makes for some interesting possibilities. (don't mind my terrible level design)
Due to the fact that it has just one animation, this submission is very limited in the amount of gameplay you could add to a game. But somehow, I actually feel like this could make for a great casual game. The style is cool, really cool. It's almost a shame it can't be used for more complex games.
yeah, I really would have liked to have it in layers as well, I was hoping someone else could do that, since I am not an artist! And since the project this was made for is stalled, I won't be paying the artist to work on this piece any longer :(.
Haha cool, he would love to hear that. I should add a link to his profile me thinks. Give me a moment and I will edit the description.
[Edit] There, if you click his name, you will go to his personal website, be sure to check it out, he is a great artist.
Great work as always!
Stuff like this would make for a great evolution / monster collecting game! (that's how I would put it whilst avoiding trademarks)
That would be really cool dogchicken! :D
I agree! Thanks for your input :).
Surt, that is a great idea, people could make mockups and inspire people to make games... there oughta be links to the original art though.
Much like combining pieces of clothing that others would never have thought of....
[edit] here is my mockup, I tried combining it with Blarget2's tiles, it works very well, also, splitting the tiles up in 8 * 8, makes for some interesting possibilities. (don't mind my terrible level design)
I had the same idea, that's why I made this collection.
Due to the fact that it has just one animation, this submission is very limited in the amount of gameplay you could add to a game. But somehow, I actually feel like this could make for a great casual game. The style is cool, really cool. It's almost a shame it can't be used for more complex games.