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Comments by User

Sunday, July 16, 2017 - 16:35

Hi, I'm the same person as Spring Enterprises, and I do music as well. I can do a little tune for you, do you have any sort of instruments in mind?

Friday, July 7, 2017 - 09:52

CenturionXP, I'm ready for you now if you need anything.

Monday, July 3, 2017 - 17:29

Thanks for all of your feedback! :3

I ended up going for the pixel artsy style. But this is probably gonna end up more as an experiment than a game which is actually finished, since my idea for the story is, let us say, not very consistent (read a mess)

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 23:43

You're welcome!

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 20:22

Here are a few simple tiles, but I don't know if this is enough.

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 17:43

Of course, awesome101. I have a planned schedule for this.


  • First I finish paid commisions
  • Then your tileset
  • Then Centurion's RTS

It's not like I've forgotten about you or anything.

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 15:32

You're weclome :)

I have a bit of other tasks to do before I can get started on your project tho.

Saturday, July 1, 2017 - 03:07

I suppose I can try it sometime, once I'm finished with my current commision :)

Friday, June 30, 2017 - 16:46

 I will do so right away :)

Friday, June 30, 2017 - 07:42

I have little experience with it but I can certainly give it a try. I can make one of the 5 monsters for free and then you can decide if you want to buy the rest.
