Yeah i know that, but how large is your project and what art style do you require? How fast are artist supposed to deliver assest? And is it free or a paid commision?
It's intended to be an homage to all the tropes of "bad NES games" - such as extremely cryptic maze-like gameplay, constantly respawning annoying enemies, no map, and one hit death with no continues.
I can do some 2D stuff with game maker, but I don't know if you find that that interesting. I think a collab could be interesting tho, beacuse I can maybe get to do some music then.
I just don't have any game ideas that are that great right now tho. I'm working on a game called "Dragon's Maze", though that's hardly a masterpiece. I think we should start from scratch with a more promising concept if we decide to work together.
If you're interested, feel free to join my Discord server, even tho it's brony, there's room for you too: (keep in mind the link may expire)
Thank you very much Ninja Dog! But, eh , why am I great? Let me hear it! XDD
Feel free to message me! But keep in mind that I haven't comitted to anything yet. :P
Ok, so you need some terrain textures, a guy, and a couple little green creatures?
Or are there other graphics you need as well?
You can upload files while commenting?
What engine do you use?
And can you show me any concept art?
Yeah i know that, but how large is your project and what art style do you require? How fast are artist supposed to deliver assest? And is it free or a paid commision?
You omit all of those details.
Hmm, what do you need in detail?
It's intended to be an homage to all the tropes of "bad NES games" - such as extremely cryptic maze-like gameplay, constantly respawning annoying enemies, no map, and one hit death with no continues.
I think i will rename "dragon's maze " to "random shit flying at you", a better, more descriptive title.
I can do some 2D stuff with game maker, but I don't know if you find that that interesting. I think a collab could be interesting tho, beacuse I can maybe get to do some music then.
I just don't have any game ideas that are that great right now tho. I'm working on a game called "Dragon's Maze", though that's hardly a masterpiece. I think we should start from scratch with a more promising concept if we decide to work together.
If you're interested, feel free to join my Discord server, even tho it's brony, there's room for you too: (keep in mind the link may expire)