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Thursday, November 18, 2021 - 01:16

*cough* *cough* *cough* Achhoo. I must have been delirious. Looks quite good! If only we had some more plate mail hmm? One can dream XD.

Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 19:25

Did you ever make that swamp tileset? It would be really great to have some swamp areas with Flare. This reminds myself of Diablo II's Act 3 Jungle:-).

Thursday, November 11, 2021 - 01:30

Ah yeah sorry about that, I had a whole bunch of screen shots and figured they might be the last for the thread so up they went. I hope the Dual Wielding works better than my post formating on these forums XD.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 03:35

I did it! I have finished the main grind for Dual Wielding in the Flare Engine! Dual Wielding is here! I have all 10 base One-Handed melee weapons with Off-Hand Versions to support Dual Wielding! I hope to have this content added to the 1.13 Flare Engine and possibly the Flare Game? 10 Off-Hand Weapon Animations for both the Heroine and Hero for the Flare R.P.G. Engine; download links below (all are the same .zip file, they are mirrors in hope of longevity). More work is needed to use these animations in Flare but after hours of animating and developer work and testing ~today I am pretty happy with this current build-it-yourself version 1.0 :-). Download Master Links: Google Drive: + Cloud: + OpenGameArt: + Archive Master Link: :-)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 18:31

Now with Off-Hand Maces for Dual Wielding! I have the Off-Hand Maces working for both the Heroine and the Hero avatar animations. I have currently 4 (out of 10) more base / Flare engine default One-Handed Weapons to animate for the Off-Hand. Master Links: + +

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 04:13

You can activate developer tools / mode and spawn in all of the 'boss drops' / items to get a complete list. Look up the item id / 114 = Longsword (I think?) exec reward_item=X and X is the item id.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 03:55

Successful Dual-Wielding Casting! Spell Sword Playstyle! Proper Dual-Wielding Works! I have the Off-Hand 'Longswords' (Arming Sword / Bastard / Hand-And-A-Half Swords) working for both the Heroine and the Hero avatar animations. I have a little over a few more base / Flare engine default One-Handed Weapons to animate for the Off-Hand. So far this is my favourite and I think it looks the coolest :-).

Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 20:26

I now have Off-Hand Infantry Axes working! Master Links: + +

Hopefully I can do the rest of the Off-Hand animations for the rest of the ~one-handed ~weapons.

Bit by bit, onwards and upwards:-)!

Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 04:24

Off-Hand Hand-Axes Working!(Heroine+Hero+Inventory)

I have the Off-Hand Hand-Axe working for both the Heroine and the Hero avatar animations. I hope to do all of the Flare RPG base one-handed weapons in the off-hand (if not more). I am very happy to get more crucial work done on the Flare engine and I hope to get more of the weapon animations out before the 1.13 Flare release or very close after post release. That is if the Flare engine release is faster than my completed Off-hand weapon animations to support dual wielding in the Flare RPG engine. I wish to share my completed Off-hand weapon animations for the Flare engine to give back to the community as well that has helped myself very much so and my growth and much of my current ability would not be possible in the current state without them; so with that said I am grateful. Onwards and upwards:-)!

Master Link:

Sunday, November 7, 2021 - 04:20

Thank you for your diligent communication, I hope the best for your venture and if you make really cool assets and world building tilesets I could very well end up being a customer. I very much like the idea of having a consistent art style:-).
