This is great! I just finished a kids math game called math in the clouds. This would be a perfect fit. There are a few id like to use. Ill make sure to attribute you as Kistol
ok, i see what happend you gut the wrong file. i have know idea what the msi files do lol, the page with the wheel files ( .whl ) was in a link above the msi files as plpy
This is great! I just finished a kids math game called math in the clouds. This would be a perfect fit. There are a few id like to use. Ill make sure to attribute you as Kistol
Just Finished all the coding for my game. Came across this, Its really good. adding it in and will be sure to attribute you.
ok, i see what happend you gut the wrong file. i have know idea what the msi files do lol, the page with the wheel files ( .whl ) was in a link above the msi files as plpy
this link takes you to the exact page you want
if you have windows ten you would download the file named
pygame-1.9.3-cp36-cp36m-win32.whl <---- this is a copied download link from the page
as long as its saved in the Scripts folder of python it will work this time
directory> pip3 install pygame-1.9.3-cp26-cp36m-win32.whl
pygame is really worth the trouble, here is a youtube tutorial,
#install the python3.6 programming lauguage in a folder you create not the default directory.
#find the Scripts folder in the python folder and open it
#go to, find the opropriate download for your windows. Will be a wheel file.
#save this in the Script file
#in this window directory open a command window with control,shift,rightclick
type in 'pip3 install' and the full wheel file name that you just downloaded
it will take a few min but then you will have pygame installed directly into your python lauguage
also, i did not draw my art. I changed some to fight my game.
your welcome to try my game out yourself.
sorry about all the zips. github doesnt alow files over 25 mb and no more that 100 files