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Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 05:05

Nice looking characters! Would it be possible to have separate image for whole character and separate for the background? Using these charaters would much easier if whole character would have plain character with transparent background.

Sunday, April 26, 2015 - 15:06

Yes, GPLv3 is fine.

Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 06:40

Hmm, you could try running this command "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs". It might help if you have 64bit system. Seems that I have installed way before compiling the Flare so this was missing...

Thursday, April 23, 2015 - 06:36

Hmm, I did not encounter this problem. You could try typing "echo $DISPLAY"

If it shows empty line then type "export DISPLAY=:0.0" and after this try running the flare again from same terminal.

I tried to search help for that error message but helps very a bit different and I am not sure which might help for you if above one does not help.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - 07:26

I think there is no need to clean the mess. I'll teach you couple of command. First

command cd changes the directory. ls list content of current directory. So first type "cd flare"

and then "ls" and it should like something like this:

flare-engine           SDL2-2.0.3               SDL2_mixer-2.0.0

flare-game             SDL2-2.0.3.tar.gz

freetype-2.5.5         SDL2_image-2.0.0         SDL2_ttf-2.0.12

freetype-2.5.5.tar.gz  SDL2_image-2.0.0.tar.gz  SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.tar.gz

Depending what packets you downloaded. Also flare-engine and flare-game might be in your home folder.If they are easiest way to clean these two is use file browser and just delete those two directories. So last time you couldn't compile SDL2_ttf since you were missing freetype.So if you can see freetype-2.5.5 directory just go there and type "./configure" "make" and "sudo make install"After this "cd .." "cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12" "./configure" "make" and "sudo make install"After this you should have working and installed SDL2. "cd .."#Clone the game repositorygit clone #Clone the engine repositorygit clone # Go to Flare enginecd flare-engine # Configure built systemcmake . # Build flaremake # Go go Flare-game dircd ../flare-game #Create symlink to flare executableln -s ../flare-engine/flare # Go to mods dircd mods #Create symlink to flare default modln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default # Go to Flare gamecd .. # Try running the Flare./flare #In my case it did not work at this moment I had to following:#Go to configure folder cd ~/.config/flare #Copy mods configuration to config foldercp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt . # Open settings.txt to text editorgedit settings.txt #Look for hwsurface=1 and change that 0 and save file#Try running Flare again cd ~/flare/flare-game./flare

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - 07:28

Sorry, I missed compiling FreeType2 Library. So before compiling SDL2_ttf go to working directory:

cd ~/flare #Assuming you made flare folder into your home folder.

#Get freetype source codes


# Decompress it

tar xvf freetype-2.5.5.tar.gz

# Go to folder

cd freetype-2.5.5

# Configure build system


# Compile it


# Install it

sudo make install

# and now continue build SDL2-ttf

# Go back to working dir

cd ..

# Go to decompressed folder

cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12

#Configure your built system


# Compile SDL2 ttf


# Install it

sudo make install


Now continue from previous instructions.

Monday, April 20, 2015 - 08:07

You should type all these commands into terminal. Just open one terminal and type all commands there. Commands are make assumptions about your folders so these must be run in right order or you need to manually make sure you are in right folder. That's one reason why I put comment before each command. Second thing is that you should never run a command which you do not understand what it does.

./configure is a script to make building configurations that match on your system. It should write in terminal and in folder which contains that script.

Friday, April 17, 2015 - 07:38

I made quite detail instructions how to compile Flare from master to Ubuntu 12.04. Good thing here is when there is update available you just need to fetch new version from repository and recompile it.

I made list where first is comment about what command does this starts with #. Other texts are commands that should copy pasted to terminal.

#Install compiler and make

sudo apt-get install cmake make g++

#Install dependencies for SDL2

sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff4-dev libflac++-dev libflac-dev libvorbis-dev


#Make the working directory and go working directoy

mkdir flare

cd flare


#Clone the game repository

git clone

#Clone the engine repository

git clone

#Cloning the repositories may take some time so you might either these do in

#another terminal or just keep waiting. While it is clone repositories

#you can compile SDL2.



# Get SDL2 2.0.3 TAR


#Decompress TAR

tar xvf SDL2-2.0.3.tar.gz

# Go to decompress folder

cd SDL2-2.0.3

#Configure your built system


# Compile SDL2 2.0.3


# Install it

sudo make install


# Go back to working dir

cd ..

# Get SDL2 Image


#Decompress TAR

tar xvf SDL2_image-2.0.0.tar.gz

# Go to decompress folder

cd SDL2_image-2.0.0

#Configure your built system


# Compile SDL2 Image


# Install it

sudo make install


# Go back to working dir

cd ..

# Get SDL2 Mixer


#Decompress TAR

tar xvf SDL2_mixer-2.0.0.tar.gz

# Go to decompress folder

cd SDL2_mixer-2.0.0

#Configure your built system


# Compile SDL2 Mixer


# Install it

sudo make install


# Go back to working dir

cd ..

# Get SDL2 TTF


#Decompress TAR

tar xvf SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.tar.gz

# Go to decompress folder

cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12

#Configure your built system


# Compile SDL2 Mixer


# Install it

sudo make install


# Go back to working dir

cd ..

# Go to Flare engine

cd flare-engine

# Configure built system

cmake .

# Build flare


# Go go Flare-game dir

cd ../flare-game

#Create symlink to flare executable

ln -s ../flare-engine/flare

# Go to mods dir

cd mods

#Create symlink to flare default mod

ln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default

# Go to Flare game

cd ..

# Try running the Flare


#In my case it did not work at this moment I had to following:

#Go to configure folder

cd ~/.config/flare

#Copy mods configuration to config folder

cp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt .

# Open settings.txt to text editor

gedit settings.txt

#Look for hwsurface=1 and change that 0 and save file

#Try running Flare again

cd ~/flare/flare-game


  When there is update for flare you just go to flare-engine and flare-game folders and say git pull. If there are any updates it should be visible. If there were updates on flare-engine after that say "make clean" and then "make" and you got a new updated version of Flare.

Friday, March 6, 2015 - 21:02

Epic music! I was listening songs and when I played this one I could recognize this was made by you! Great job!

Saturday, February 21, 2015 - 21:55

You could check out this RPG sound pack I made. It contains sounds of seagulls, ravens and some small birds(I think they are sparrows).
