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Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 10:02

.@MoikMellah Valid point, boosting search happens everywhere. There are already tags on OGA and they aren't always used as they could be. I guess there could be someone (official) looking over commits and tags anyway, maybe strike out misplaced tags and add missing ones (or ask/tell the submitter).


Friday, September 16, 2011 - 13:48

Nice, I like it.

What's the polycount /quadcount for this model and the turret model by the way? Could some of the "dents and spikes" be removed without making holes in the model if I were to reduce the polycount?

Monday, August 29, 2011 - 15:16

As for monster models, maybe sculpting tools (like in blender or sculptris) can be used to add more details. Sculptris is good at adding extra geometry details. Especially when polycount isn't that important when prerendering.


Monday, August 1, 2011 - 14:33

Added a new version with window frame bars - makes a whole new impression.

Friday, July 29, 2011 - 17:33

BTW I think it's a good idea to save with background (invisible pixel color) so later corrections with anti-erase are possible (eg. after doing a coarse editing pass).

Thursday, July 14, 2011 - 17:55

Thanks, too!

Will try that on some older sheets I'd like to commit as individual images.


Sunday, July 10, 2011 - 06:48

Regarding the scroll bar problem:

Ubuntu LTS, Firefox 3.6.18,  any browser size up to full screen on 1680x1050 (but I prefer browser sizes similar to your intended resolution). However, the border of the page seems to fits pixel perfectly into the visible area. Maybe this firefox extends the scroll pane in those cases? BTW I wouldn't mind if there was a border on the right side (an no border on the left), too.


Another Problem just appeared when I hit "Preview": The textarea has the same size like the right column but begins in the left column.


Saturday, July 9, 2011 - 19:20

My likes and dislikes:

- I like the art pages: left metadata with fat tags, license-icons and all | right art and description.

- I don't like how this add new comment text-field at the bottom of the page spans both columns - actually it looks as if the format has gone wrong - especially the bullet points below "TEXT FORMAT".

- I would prefer it more if the area below "Add new comment" would resemble the format of the finished comment: left name | right text and with taller textarea

- Too few art on the frontpage, missing featured, rotating/random art, etc. (guess partly not yet implemented, no ratings/favorites yet?). Seems like design over content.

- I like the background colors - especially for the preview thumbnails :)

My Problems:

- I see a horizontal scrolbar (just about 10px scrollable) all the time, regardless of window size.

- In my profile clicking "Bookmarks" results in:


'Exception: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column \'uid\' in field list is ambiguous'

in views_plugin_query_default->execute() (line 1380 of /var/www/sites/opengameart/sites/all/modules/views/plugins/

- In my profile clicking "OpenID Identities" splatters text over the buttons (wip?).

- In favorites the "next" links sometimes disappears - may be related to having a lot of favorite pages (12).

- Some art may need a default "art" icon in preview list thumbnails - eg. for audio or mixed content without preview in compressed files


Monday, May 16, 2011 - 15:08

I like the idea of collecting monsters, descriptions, concept-art, models and derived sprites into an "open-ip" or "open franchise" monster-catalog for an open universe.


Friday, May 13, 2011 - 16:12

How about shearing your model, so that z' = z + y  (with x, z as floor, and y up) and then rendering orthographically top down?

(exactly what bart said, but two steps: afine-transform, render-ortho)

