Regardless BSOD isn't cool, is cliche, is outdated and makes the model less useful in my opinion.
I wont even start about any copyright/trademark/picture/wiki discussion. Please focus on the content. IMHO the BSOD rips the soul from the creation as it was intended by the artist with the Ubuntu Login screen (which was looking better besides): A modern useable PC - you could find in numbers in an office or at home.
Now an office with 21 BSOD...great.
Imagine: DeusEx and BSOD - "oh, no, wait, can't's already broken...this one too...and...this...dooh".
Besides: Original art is always better and shifts the view towards your creation - not some company else.
Caused by not fully unpersonal interrest I would like to put €50 ($62) into the bucket as a start. :)
*) To be sent to OGA-officials by paypal or european bank transfor for use as they see fit.
@qubodup: Definitively ;)
The polycount still leaves a space for atachments, weapons, details and bevelings.
The red one's nice, too, generally speaking.
Can't you import your own tiles (read: eg. some from OGA) ?
My first unspoken thought was "*copyright*", but my second was "well...erm...maybe...fair scientific use...",
just at least for the time of discussing these educative matters... ;)
Footnote: But fair use should try to minimise the used material as necessary for the purpose.
Maybe the source here can help (at the end of the page) - it's an lmu to ascii converter.
For convenience as far as I can see from the source/topic:
Actual map/tile data starts at offset 40.
Rows first then coloums.
Tiles are really mapped using 16x16 tiles (2x2 make 32x32 tiles) - as can be seen on the colorful images above the source.
Otherwise it would help in deciphering:
If you start off with a map that is multiple of 8 to fit your hex editor.
Use simpler/recognizeable patterns.
Use tiles only from the first row and starting at the left.
Hi, I guess the short answer is yes.
The longer answer is you have to respect the individual artist's wishes - usually by giving credit to the artists (eg. by printing their names).
And please leave a comment (and link) on the page where you downloaded the piece of art - that'll make the artists very happy.
Regardless BSOD isn't cool, is cliche, is outdated and makes the model less useful in my opinion.
I wont even start about any copyright/trademark/picture/wiki discussion. Please focus on the content. IMHO the BSOD rips the soul from the creation as it was intended by the artist with the Ubuntu Login screen (which was looking better besides): A modern useable PC - you could find in numbers in an office or at home.
Now an office with 21 BSOD...great.
Imagine: DeusEx and BSOD - "oh, no, wait, can't's already broken...this one too...and...this...dooh".
Besides: Original art is always better and shifts the view towards your creation - not some company else.
Wow your concepts are really pro-grade and look great. Thumbs up.
How about using a screenshot from your desktop or your modelling-software picturing the pc showing your modelling software, showing your pc? :)
Do tell get well soon and that the pain wasn't for nothing. ;)
All for the cause, all for the cause...
Some time ago I made some experiments with post-processing images, a result with a simple howto contained can be found here:
And I made some tests with proprietary images of rendered game characters that turned out quite well, too.
The process itself could be automated.