Ah, I guess I know what you mean... sampled instruments is the right name for it AFAIK. It allows you to play your keyboard like you are actually playing the real instruments. There are many (___MANY___) formats for it, but if I remember correctly SF2/SoundFont is an supported format for free software and there actually are some free patches IIRC. But you re right, those are very hard to create and it is not uncommon that commercial companies demand one till several hundred bucks for one single sampled instrument. Also I wasn't very satisfied with the free sf2 samples I tried till now, but as said: they are very hard to create (and I am quite picky)
@qubodup: nice ... I remember now that I saw that page a while ago, but didn't care much back then. Definitely showing the strength of open source software with this site. Got to check out one mix or two when I have some time :)
I really think that the bigger issue is not the format of the work but actually the plugins it uses... midi basically has everything it needs to port from one DAW to another... the unique settings, plugins and libraries cause much more problems though.
Yeah, it is quite uncommon and also can cause a lot of trouble with the licenses. Most of the DAWs allow to use their samples in a work but not as samples ... that way opening the source is like using proprietary samples. For example basically 99 % of the used drum sounds are actually samples of drums. People often forget that they are actually using samples, as it is allowed within compositions and very deeply integrated in the programs. I d like to skip the topic of actually using proprietary samples, which might be perfectly OK, if it is worked in good enough, but is another much more complex topic and opening the sources makes it even an harder one.
Tbh I also find myself rather uncomfortable to open up my sources even if I could ... I somehow feel like that I can give away my music, but the way I make it is my own secret. Maybe I would think otherwise if there would be a community of people actually sharing their sources and I could see the consequences of it right in front of my eyes, but atm I am rather unwilling to share my sources.
P.S.: Also you have to be aware that many tracks actually do not only need the original DAW to be played but also libraries, plugins and sometimes even expansions to plugins. The costs to reproduce the source material can vary from some hundreds to some thousands in my experience. That is why I rather prefer to make the single lines available as seperate files and in case also deliver the midi with it. You can see one example of how I did it here: http://ccmixter.org/files/remaxim/22110 and even a much better one by trifonic here: http://ccmixter.org/trifonic
IMO sharing the source will become interesting once there are some Open source programs that can compete with the proprietary ones. Till then it looks rather like a desaster to me.
P.P.S.: I just realized that my response was almost completely offtopic, as you only asked for further examples...
I guess you should check the tracker scene, as their work is usually distributed within the original format and there are some freeware and open source trackers AFAIK. IIRC Nexuiz had some work and also an build in tracker player in their game code... I am not 100% sure though.
It is not only the great look of it but the fact that you give us so many pieces with the same style that let me love your art. I can see a whole game building upon them :)
Hey Q,
that is a nice list, but I am pretty sure that Hex-a-Hop has a sound/melody when finishing a puzzle :P
A quick sketch, done in almost no time (and almost completely exhausted :P) ... the quality is low, but at least it seems to fit the topic: http://opengameart.org/content/minimal-industry
the last one is by the old goat, not Blarumyrran
Just added my entry as well
amazing work, Bart :)
@pfunked, no wonder you re adding this, I even thought it was made by you for your game :)
Diablo I FTW :D
(we don't have enough youtube like comments I guess xD )
Ah, I guess I know what you mean... sampled instruments is the right name for it AFAIK. It allows you to play your keyboard like you are actually playing the real instruments. There are many (___MANY___) formats for it, but if I remember correctly SF2/SoundFont is an supported format for free software and there actually are some free patches IIRC. But you re right, those are very hard to create and it is not uncommon that commercial companies demand one till several hundred bucks for one single sampled instrument. Also I wasn't very satisfied with the free sf2 samples I tried till now, but as said: they are very hard to create (and I am quite picky)
@qubodup: nice ... I remember now that I saw that page a while ago, but didn't care much back then. Definitely showing the strength of open source software with this site. Got to check out one mix or two when I have some time :)
I really think that the bigger issue is not the format of the work but actually the plugins it uses... midi basically has everything it needs to port from one DAW to another... the unique settings, plugins and libraries cause much more problems though.
@ceninan: what exactly do you mean with samples? IMO ccmixter.org is already a great community and ressource for samples, that mostly has a quite high quality of samples. Just check: http://ccmixter.org/view/media/samples and http://ccmixter.org/view/media/samples/browse
is that what you meant?
Yeah, it is quite uncommon and also can cause a lot of trouble with the licenses. Most of the DAWs allow to use their samples in a work but not as samples ... that way opening the source is like using proprietary samples. For example basically 99 % of the used drum sounds are actually samples of drums. People often forget that they are actually using samples, as it is allowed within compositions and very deeply integrated in the programs. I d like to skip the topic of actually using proprietary samples, which might be perfectly OK, if it is worked in good enough, but is another much more complex topic and opening the sources makes it even an harder one.
Tbh I also find myself rather uncomfortable to open up my sources even if I could ... I somehow feel like that I can give away my music, but the way I make it is my own secret. Maybe I would think otherwise if there would be a community of people actually sharing their sources and I could see the consequences of it right in front of my eyes, but atm I am rather unwilling to share my sources.
P.S.: Also you have to be aware that many tracks actually do not only need the original DAW to be played but also libraries, plugins and sometimes even expansions to plugins. The costs to reproduce the source material can vary from some hundreds to some thousands in my experience. That is why I rather prefer to make the single lines available as seperate files and in case also deliver the midi with it. You can see one example of how I did it here: http://ccmixter.org/files/remaxim/22110 and even a much better one by trifonic here: http://ccmixter.org/trifonic
IMO sharing the source will become interesting once there are some Open source programs that can compete with the proprietary ones. Till then it looks rather like a desaster to me.
P.P.S.: I just realized that my response was almost completely offtopic, as you only asked for further examples...
I guess you should check the tracker scene, as their work is usually distributed within the original format and there are some freeware and open source trackers AFAIK. IIRC Nexuiz had some work and also an build in tracker player in their game code... I am not 100% sure though.
It is not only the great look of it but the fact that you give us so many pieces with the same style that let me love your art. I can see a whole game building upon them :)