I thought you'd appreciate knowing that I used your art in my dice roller GameBoy app Pocket Hero. Your screen name is in the credits on the app and full attribution is listen in the Git repository on Gitlab. Thanks for this great pixel art!
This sounds very similar to copyleft trolling in the software space. The GPLv2 has a termination clause as well, and the troll can demand licensing fees if some minor error was made in attribution or source/modification distribution. Even with the GPLv3 it can happen (GPLv3 has a "curing" clause) with users who simply don't understand the legal-ese of the license and take the troll at their word.
I for one welcome any efforts to head this threat off before anything bad happens involving open game art, however unlikely it seems. I'll try to make better use of the Copyright/Attribution section on mine and other's content here, and pay closer attention to whether content is licensed with the latest (4.0) version of CC or simply CC0.
These are really good. I've been inspired by Atomic Rockets as well and have a few designs sketched out based on Full Thrust ship classes. I'll eventually use your modules to constuct professional-quality SSD images. Y'all check them out if you're interested: https://opengameart.org/content/rocketship-concept-art
I made some coins/medallions based on the elemental spells/icons in Heroine Dusk. Released on my profile on OpenGameArt but I figured I'd share them here too. The coin shape is originally by 7Soul1
I made a font for this submission in ImageFontFormat. The code for loading the image as a font in LÖVE is shown below.
local glyphs = ''
for x = 32, 127 do
glyphs = glyphs .. string.char(x)
font1 = love.graphics.newImageFont('8x8_ImageFont.png', glyphs, 0)
I thought you'd appreciate knowing that I used your art in my dice roller GameBoy app Pocket Hero. Your screen name is in the credits on the app and full attribution is listen in the Git repository on Gitlab. Thanks for this great pixel art!
I made some double-nine dominoes out of this. :^)
Sounds okay to me, MedicineStorm. Thanks for clearing that up.
Who is Anonymous?
Did Lunar Giant really release some of their art on OGA?
I remember when this game came out. It was impressive.
This is really cool. Reminds me of Super Mario RPG. But this is an original, whimsical world. I hope to see more from you!
This sounds very similar to copyleft trolling in the software space. The GPLv2 has a termination clause as well, and the troll can demand licensing fees if some minor error was made in attribution or source/modification distribution. Even with the GPLv3 it can happen (GPLv3 has a "curing" clause) with users who simply don't understand the legal-ese of the license and take the troll at their word.
I for one welcome any efforts to head this threat off before anything bad happens involving open game art, however unlikely it seems. I'll try to make better use of the Copyright/Attribution section on mine and other's content here, and pay closer attention to whether content is licensed with the latest (4.0) version of CC or simply CC0.
These are really good. I've been inspired by Atomic Rockets as well and have a few designs sketched out based on Full Thrust ship classes. I'll eventually use your modules to constuct professional-quality SSD images. Y'all check them out if you're interested: https://opengameart.org/content/rocketship-concept-art
I made some coins/medallions based on the elemental spells/icons in Heroine Dusk. Released on my profile on OpenGameArt but I figured I'd share them here too. The coin shape is originally by 7Soul1