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Saturday, April 7, 2012 - 19:26

It should be much more easer to write a .obj importer, shouldn't? (.obj files are very simple, by the way).

As far as I've looked at trigger code, it's just a matter of writting a loadOBJ function at PModel, on "src/pengine/model.cpp" (declared at "src/pengine/render.h"), populating its internal PMesh according to the loaded values (and switching between loaders at PModel contructor, based on file extension) - could use loadASE as reference.

Unfortunally, I'm somewhat busy right now... I'll try it latter, if nobody does it first (and if it's really as easy as it seems right now on a quick look).

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 - 09:17

I don't know for sure if OGA accepts BVH's, but I believe that a workaround could be to import those files in Blender, and submit the Blender file here, in the "3d Art" section (as it will be used for 3D art / 2D renders from 3D art anyway).

Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 11:52

@qubodup: A blender import/export script would not be too hard to do, as the .ase files are easy to understand with the help of trigger's load and render code. As you found a converter to .obj, I believe a script to convert back from .obj to .ase should do the trick (it's important, as I believe the uvmaps are bad on lot of places - for example: you can't do backlights on the model's rear AND side, as real cars, without editing two distinct and not at the same scale places of the texture!). If a blender export script already exists, better.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 - 15:57

@hc: good improvements!

By the way, the mirrored side is why I've defined all textures with symetric numbers (00, 8 and 88)...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 14:18

I've added the remaining basic texture (the evo-vehicle mesh). It's rudimentar and somewhat ugly, as are the other ones:


@qubodup:The original textures have underside details, but they are so hard to do (at least for a non-skilled person like me), that I just forgot them.

@Lazza: Much better wheel. Maybe with some light effects or the inner rays more similar to a metal material and it'll be even better (don't know how to do that in inkscape, or even if it's possible)...


Anyway, that's all my limited texture-maker knowledge can do for Trigger-Rally (just a final question: Is it a fork of the old Trigger game or just a revival? It still makes me feel like an airplane game when the car leaves the floor... maybe with motorbikes instead of cars and it'll have a more realistic feel =^D ).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 14:07

I've changed the window gradient to be less disgusting (still, the texture is too much "plastic" for my taste)... And also uploaded a texture to the "seat" car mesh... That one was a pain to texturize, as the uv-map is lot fragmented at the car's front (maybe if someone could import the model in blender, a refactory to the uvmap would help a lot).


Edited: added the last texture (now for evo model).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 08:09

Just for fun, and to test the uv-map, I've created a simple texture for the "focus" model:


It isn't a ford focus (as I suppose that the idea is to remove all possible brand references or other type of copyrighted material).

As it's the first time I've created a texture using only inkscape, it's very low quality, but maybe could be a placeholder to remove the dubious copyrighted file from Trigger.


Anyway, I haven't this kind of fun since the 90s when doing "car paints" at 1994 Papyrus Nascar game (and, as you can see, my texture is as bad as a '94 game texture created by a ~10 year old child should be).


EDIT: Added a texture to the "seat-mesh" too. Same link.

Saturday, February 18, 2012 - 07:13

Hello qubodup,


To make things easer, I've created a simple python script to extract the UV map from the trigger vehicles models (.ase format) and save it on a .png file.

The script is here:

The created (2048x2048) uvmaps for each vehicle models are (already merged with respectve wheel models):


The EVO model seems to have a few strange vertex uv (maybe it's a bug on the model or on the script itself, as I've quickly written it).


The script is licensed in GPLv3 or latter.


Hope it's helpfull...

Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 07:25

I somewhat agreed with you, but there's also the possibility that one creates a single piece per time - and upload them just when created. Maybe the solution could be a function to merge some previous uploads on a single one (like the "collection", but removing the old ones), or something like that...

Sunday, June 26, 2011 - 09:09

A plataform game like Hocus Pocus with this character would be great!
