Not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do. Since I can't export vector it will probably be high-res (1024x2048~ish) but I tend to do low-res stuff.
Thanks, I'll look into those links, already contacted the makers of Festival. Audaspace can change pitch, speed, and even join sounds so it may allow me some flexibility. I'm not going for accuracy right now, just want to try making a working concept. I've heard that there 42 different english vocal sounds, but I could be wrong.
(I get an innuendo doggie... hmm... doesn't sound too good.) That's my signature, I'll change it.
( your innuendo request of 'Englis alphabet letters' seems to be incrorrect in my opinion.) What innuendo? What seems incorrect? I just wanted vocalizations that would be common within words, not someone saying "Aye", "Bee", "See", but "Ahh", "Buh", "Sss" (or "Kuh").
But let's be more specific then. I'm a voice actor and I can contribute to the project. But since the first post I still have extremely little data on 'what to record' and 'what are the requirements',
(Sorry I cannot spell correctly on a phone, I thought maybe there would be a collection of audio samples on this site thay could be arranged into words under a clear license, or failing that cause people to add one since I use a pair of headphones in place of a microphone)
My plan was to use PYTHON's AUDASPACE within BLENDER to parse text and assign a sound to each letter and have my characters speak using a dynamic text generation system. I assumed that I'd at least try to create a demo and see if it could be done (if so, I'd refine it; otherwise I'd scrap it, but there would be resources HERE, an attempt MADE and knoledge GAINED).
[Words capitalised to allow focus upon important areas, not to be rude or to be a capitalist]
FreeTTS = Have to sign up with another forum.
Praat = No contact info
Ekho = Chinese
eSpeak = Has contact info from 2012, maybe he'll answer, will try.
Festival = looks promising, has other links.
I'll try this, but I dont have much time to access the internet on my laptop, I have a job that takes up most of my week, may try using my phone a bit.
I don't want to / can't pay for voice acting, I want the game to DO the voice acting, but I guess I'll just use text if I cannot get the resources to try my idea.
Not promising anything, but I'll see what I can do. Since I can't export vector it will probably be high-res (1024x2048~ish) but I tend to do low-res stuff.
Look through my assets, I have both 3d and 2d stuff.
Don't be afraid to use other people's stuff as reference for a bit of practice. There are also tutes on youtube, I have a couple for Gimp.
Look for the gimp tutorials on my youtube and search for others because I'm still a noob. Don't be afraid to use a brush.
Yardlehar! that be shivering me timbers.
Thanks, I'll look into those links, already contacted the makers of Festival. Audaspace can change pitch, speed, and even join sounds so it may allow me some flexibility. I'm not going for accuracy right now, just want to try making a working concept. I've heard that there 42 different english vocal sounds, but I could be wrong.
(I get an innuendo doggie... hmm... doesn't sound too good.) That's my signature, I'll change it.
( your innuendo request of 'Englis alphabet letters' seems to be incrorrect in my opinion.) What innuendo? What seems incorrect? I just wanted vocalizations that would be common within words, not someone saying "Aye", "Bee", "See", but "Ahh", "Buh", "Sss" (or "Kuh").
But let's be more specific then. I'm a voice actor and I can contribute to the project. But since the first post I still have extremely little data on 'what to record' and 'what are the requirements',
(Sorry I cannot spell correctly on a phone, I thought maybe there would be a collection of audio samples on this site thay could be arranged into words under a clear license, or failing that cause people to add one since I use a pair of headphones in place of a microphone)
My plan was to use PYTHON's AUDASPACE within BLENDER to parse text and assign a sound to each letter and have my characters speak using a dynamic text generation system. I assumed that I'd at least try to create a demo and see if it could be done (if so, I'd refine it; otherwise I'd scrap it, but there would be resources HERE, an attempt MADE and knoledge GAINED).
[Words capitalised to allow focus upon important areas, not to be rude or to be a capitalist]
FreeTTS = Have to sign up with another forum.
Praat = No contact info
Ekho = Chinese
eSpeak = Has contact info from 2012, maybe he'll answer, will try.
Festival = looks promising, has other links.
I'll try this, but I dont have much time to access the internet on my laptop, I have a job that takes up most of my week, may try using my phone a bit.
I don't want to / can't pay for voice acting, I want the game to DO the voice acting, but I guess I'll just use text if I cannot get the resources to try my idea.
English is hard for Americans to master (I r one) but I think oss programs use windows engines, not audio files
We're not helping you, but we are talking about the subject to make the thread look active - Dad
A Link to one of these sound libraries would help since I'm stuck on a phone.
I was fully aware of possible accents, that is the reason to do this. Anthro characters have more leeway than humans.
Thanks, I'll look into it. Meanwhile I'll still try to work on something.
Thanks, I'll look into it. Meanwhile I'll still try to work on something.