Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 02:27
Date Range:
21 December 2012 to 8 January 2013
Make your own interpretation of Sara, the mascot (you can see her in the upper left corner of the screen). It can be painted, pixeled, vector, 3D, musical, etc.
Edit: Extended deadline to 4th of January b/c of the holidays and the low number of participants so far.
Art Challenge Entries:
How would attribution work for what we create under the liscence available for the original work?
I approve of this. Sara is a very cool character!
I always saw a bald old man when looking at the favicon. Flip her sprite, the hair things are glasses.
I was planning to draw a portrait of Sara but I probably won't make the deadline T_T
I've decided to extend the deadline to 4th of January b/c of the holidays and the low number of participants so far.
I don't suppose we could do this again later or have an extention? I'm out of town until after the new year and the best I can do is upload photograph of my sketchbook, which isn't really useful for making games with.
I dunno if it's how I was -supposed- to do it, but I just provided a link in my description text and attributed it to Mandi Paugh.
I guess we could extend the challenge by another week. When will you be back?
The 1st. I would only want an extention if you think others would benifit though.
Why the ugly (120x160?) stretching of previews? Use the same 100x100 previews as the rest of the site... so an uploader can provide a 100x100 preview image and know it won't be distorted.
LOL, I just learned about this.
EDIT: and i'm too late. Oh well, I would've liked to do this one.
I didn't have time for my entry, but I'll get it together eventually anyway. Great job, everyone!
As qubodup requested, I move the 'humour' entry back into a simple comment:
@AbiDrew I really dig your entry.