32x32 fantasy tileset
32x32 fantasy tileset
Sunday, January 27, 2013 - 12:15
Art Type:
Various stuff: items, wepons, monsters, heroes, doors, walls, letters, HUD elements...
- 8 shadesof dithering for shadows)
- 24 tiles
- 144 sprites
- 45 icons (8x8 pixels)
- 2 font numbers
- 8 HUD borders (8x8 pixels)

A fine piece of work
This is cool. The retro-ness might go well with something like a roguelike.
I'll update this tileset with more sprites thanks to the positive feedback!
Truly awesome stuff, keep it coming :D
Easily one of the best pieces on oga (imo). Awesome!
I tried to color it but got bored
I love the GB look!
Anyone interested for a full colorized version of this tileset? Thanks to terradeimos for the idea ;)
Yes please!
Of course (if you have the time)
I like the colors the way they are. But I would also like they fully colorized!
Well, rigth now I'm adding more stuff (like 8 swords, 8 axes, 8 potions, 8 monsters, 8 keys, etc.), I think it can be really useful for a roguelike. I'll work on the colorize step after I'll finish the new sprites.
Great! I started making a roguelike with your tileset today. Will make it a multiplayer online roguelike.
Hey, this is great stuff! I love your design and pixel tech. Your style looks kind of familiar to me--did you ever do work for a game called Dragon Wars?
Thanks Redshrike! Never heard of Dragon Wars :D You're talking about this old 1980s RPG ?
Ah, darn; I felt so clever. The Dragon Wars I meant is an indie online Chaos-inspired tactical fantasy game.
@Redshrike; Could you provide a link please? Sounds interesting and I'd like to check it out.
http://www.distantmelody.net/dragonwars/play.html it's here, though you need two or more to play, and I don't think there's a guide out yet either.
This set reminds me of the glass city in loom.
nostalgic legendary.
Would you consider reducing the license to something less restrictive so this can be used on iOS/Android Market/etc ? (CC-By)
GB palette make everything awesome *drool*
This would be perfect for a roguelike. With animated characters it could also work for a Zelda-like.
I used this awesome tileset in my March one game a month: http://www.mattahj.co.uk/eft/
Thanks a lot man!
any chance to add some skill icons? teleportation, fireball, death grasp, cold arrow...
Since the author didn't define the monster type, i would like to take the liberty to share the name that i used
Monster Types
please update me if you have better name for them
@ldarren the "31" is more a golem... but Werebear sound better :D
Hello, great tileset and detail, I swear the monsters have their own unique expressions even :D
I used your work in a free coffee-break 2D dungeon crawler game, with attribution in the credits properly. Thank you very much! You may play the game at: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15973214
Hello! Thank you for using my tileset!
I didn't know Scratch, it looks like a great tool to learn how to make games!
Well done.
Wow, this is some good stuff. I think I might have to use it. ^_^
Hey, I used your sprites in an HTML5 game that is getting mad love!! I just wanna share this and kinda parade you, being the creator behind the sprites, for making such amazing sprites! I did animate the sprites, so it looks more organic to the environment! lol Anyways, check it out:
Oh and if you google search it, it seemed to have found it's way to other sites... even though I didn't upload em there, not sure how that happened, but hey! :D
@TKZ : I'm glad my tileset have helped you to achieve your game :)
Hi, great work. I use your art in this iOs game:
Maze The Quest
This is cool. I'm going to try and use this to come up with something playable for Pixel Day on Newgrounds. There's an emphasis on original pixel art, but that's okay.
If I share a picture of my workspace on Twitter and these tiles are on it, do I need to include attribution, or do I just need to post that on the actual game credits? It's kind of hard to post the attribution information via Twitter.
it's enough to just put infos in the game credits (you can also send me a link on twitter if you want @jerombd)
Okay, I went ahead and did that. Thanks!
Hello! I used your bottles fairly extensively here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-containers and here https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-alchemy to make a bunch of different glassware. Thanks so much!
Would you consider making your art here available under the OGA-BY 3.0 license---that is, waiving the restrictions in the CC licenses that prohibit your work being used in a game with DRM (i.e. on the iOS app store, or with Steamworks DRM)? DRM sucks but it is a requirement of several platforms, and many are unwilling to use CC-BY or CC-BY-SA art for this reason, even if they would otherwise be willing to provide proper credit and share the art.
As an artist, I want to make my art as easy to use as possible, so I am trying to make more stuff available under OGA-BY. But to do that, I need permission from the people whose art mine is based on :)
Let me know what you think!
Absolutely beautiful
I made a game that uses a modified version of your sprite - here it is if you want to check it out! Thank you very much!