I'm a dad!
I'm a dad!
Hey folks!
Just a quick note. I'm going to be intermittent for the next couple of weeks, because I have a new baby daughter as of June 1st. (For those who are interested, she's 7lbs 5 oz, and 19 inches tall, and both the baby and mother are doing great.) In the meantime, if you need assistance from an administrator, there is often someone available in the IRC channel (#opengameart on freenode). Please note that administrators are volunteers, and may not be on 24/7.
Let me be the first person around to congratulate you!
Right, congratulation. :)
Congrats, enjoy these first days (and likely nights ;) ) and weeks with familiy :)
HAPPINESS all around! Congratulations!
Thanks guys :)
Congrats! We're expecting in October... looks like you beat us to the punch! You definitely deserve taking some time off to be with your family.
Congrats, I wish her a long successful and happy life.
Congratulations man!
Congratulations! I'm really happy for you and your wife.
Congratulations Mr. Bart! Enjoy every moment, they grow so fast! (^o^)"\
Congrats from China! I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers! Hope all stays well!
Congratulations to you and her mother! Is it the first one?
Congratulations, good sir!
@Julius: Yup, this is the first. :)
@pennomi: You're in for an amazing (if exhausting) experience. :)
Congratulations, I wish all the best to you three.
Congrats! My wife had our second baby boy 2 months ago!
Congrats as well!!
Now you've just got to train your sprog to slavishly produce heaps of high quality openly licensed game assets.
I say the next challenge is for baby related content.
Edit: Now it's more clear as to what I was suggesting.
Congratulations :D
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you, and I'm sure she will make you very proud.
My very best wishes, Bart! :)
Congratulations :D Best of wishes to you and your family
Hooray! Being a father is so great. Take the time you need, we'll e here when you get back. =)
Congratulations, Bart! Take the time to enjoy her while she's young; she'll be grown before you know it!
Congrats Bart! I hope she lets you sleep at night ... or day. :)
My baby daughter can sleep through anything -- except the night.
"Inchest all"?
Inches tall. Fixed. :)
Hey, congratulations! Happy "new" year! Haha.
Kiss the baby of my part (My english is not 100% good xD)
Congradulations! I have a 3 year old daughter, I can assur your life will be changed forever. I'm sure you will be busy up and down now
Belated congratulations