$12256 / $11500
Some very basic floor and wall tiles, meant to be compatible with this set: http://opengameart.org/content/3x-updated-32x32-scifi-roguelike-enemies
The floor tiles are loosely inspired by/edited from Daniel Cook's Hard Vacuum tiles. Nothing too profound here, but enough basics to get you started.
I can't say I like the celling tiles they look way similar to the floor ones , can easly be fixed tho just by adding a little shading .
I never got the impression that there was any ceiling tile there. I'm confident these are just meant to be thin walls.
Indeed, what Surt said. It is just a very basic floor and wall set which would fulfill some basic prototyping, placeholder or small projecty needs. The added ceiling tiles are appreciated, though :)
Nevermind me then : )