2D Platformer Art Assets from "Horse of Spring"
2D Platformer Art Assets from "Horse of Spring"
Wednesday, June 4, 2014 - 21:01
Art Type:
"Horse of Spring" is a mini game to celebrate 2014 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) – the most important traditional holiday in China.
This game is a 2d scrolling platformer, but we use "low-poly illustration" art style in this game. All art assets were modeled in 3D software and rendered to images.
The zip file contains all 2d art assets used in this game: tiles, sprites, backgrounds.

I didn't realize how much stuff there was until I downloaded the zip, that's awesome! Compelling style too, looks great.
I'll upload more preview images and craft a better description soon. Thanks for downloading!
Amazing graphics. I plan to make a sidescrolling running game - it might even end up in Steam. Can I use these?
Sure you can ;)
Hope to see more progress of your game using these assets.
These are some spectacular sprites. So beutiful that m thinking of making a 2D side scrolling game.
Can i use these? I will surely give credit to u.
Yes, can't wait to see your creation with these assets!
i cannot open the zip file :////
Which OS and unzip software do you use?
The zip can be openned in Windows 7/8 without installing any software.
¿I can use it in my commercial game?
wow nice~!!
I'm participating to The Week Of Awesome III GameDev.net competition and I'm using some of your sprites for the end game animation, Thank You, they are awesome :D. You can check my project here: http://gamedevis.cool/en/category/the-week-of-awesome-iii/
Beautiful :)
Thanks @lancelot_gao for sharing this beautiful art. I will make a game using this pack. Thanks :)
Amazing art. What kind of attribution does it require, if any?
Amazing Arts, i like it.
can i use it for my commercial game?
@muherik: This work is licensed CC-BY 3.0. That means commercial use is allowed. You don't even need to ask. :) Just be sure to credit lancelot_gao and indicate this art is CC-BY 3.0 in the credits of your game.
ALL the licenses on OGA allow you to use assets in commercial games, actually. So, everything on this site can be used commercially as long as you adhere to the license terms. :)
@lancelot_gao I've used your assets to create SkateRun 2D Platformer Game and now its avaliable on App Store !
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/skaterun/id1329196771
I have also added your nane in creadits section on my website Website : http://abhishekshinde001.gitlab.io/SkateRun/
Thanks for sharing this asset pack you are the best !!
I've trouble updating the description of this project. Glad to announce that you can find the animated 3d horse model here now.