Orange HQ Building Isometric
Orange HQ Building Isometric
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 - 09:53
Art Type:
Another 4 view building, suitable for all your futuristic isometric needs! This headquarters building can be used to command all your units, server as a target or whatever you dream up! Should fit nicely with my Research Lab, Manufactory, and Resource Extraction buildings!

What building should I make next?
I really like your work and I am also an apasionadao of RTS.
Some military buildings? A hospital maybe? Or perhaps a pallette swap for the opposite team?
Might be nice to have access to the models so that we could do things like animate that flag, or rotate the turret, or change the palette.
These were created from models right?
They are Cinema4D R16 files.
How about a sky pointing Antenna and then a fusion power plant with open core.
This is when Snabisch made his first comment!