Xeon (Ultimate Smash Friends)

Xeon (Ultimate Smash Friends)


This is Xeon, some sort of power-suit wearing person/alien, done for Ultimate Smash Friends, a very cool-looking super smash brothers clone.  It could also work for any sort of fighting game, or maybe a platformer.  Note that he comes both in normal lemon-strawberry and powered-up licoriche flavors.

Edit: Added a concept-art piece I did when I was bored.

If you use this, be sure to link back to this site, opengameart.org (this is part of the attribution for cc-by).  Also, contacting me would be awesome, because I'd really love to see what you do.


This work was commissioned by Open Game Art.

xeonsheet.bmp xeonsheet.bmp 1.6 Mb [13900 download(s)]
xeonsheetsupah_0.bmp xeonsheetsupah_0.bmp 1.6 Mb [7667 download(s)]
xeon concept art.png xeon concept art.png 120.8 Kb [9732 download(s)]