RPG Art Pack
RPG Art Pack
Monday, January 6, 2014 - 12:37
Art Type:
Art created by Russpuppy (http://russpuppy.com)
This art was used in "Russpuppy Kids Games", check it out on Steam or on Android or iOS
Attribution Instructions:
No attribution required but if you would like to you can attribute "Russpuppy (russpuppy.com)"

awesome, nice, cool :)
Very cute!
This is going to sound funny but I'll say it anyway. This reminds me of the kind of graphics you see in Pokemon X & Y (generation 6 for the 3DS). I beat that game recently and for some reason it really does remind me of that. It's obviously not and it can't be all too similar since the graphics in Pokemon X & Y are 3D and this is pixel art.
Looks great, keep up the good work!
This here really reminds me of A Link to the Past graphics as seen here:
Are these graphics different enough from LoZ or are they ripped?
It was certainly inspired by LoZ, but the proportions and details are very different. I don't see much evidence of actual derivation.
Very much A Link to the Past inspired. Nice work.