Character quotes
Character quotes
Sunday, April 3, 2011 - 01:19
Art Type:

Since we were doing the whole evil laugh and different peoples voices. I decided to do a voice with a laugh followed by about 20 more other quotes you could use in a game, I hope you enjoy. ehh he is semi-evil.

oh oh oh oh, good work brandon :D i like the set ^^ :D
yea I decided to give out some typical strategy/rpg quotes in case they want to use them :P. "Your Soul is mine!!!"
also fyi, you could use these for anything as a character in your game. for instance if you are making a strategy game and you wanted to make this a horseman or something. You could put in a 2 second clip of a horse neigh, whinny, nicker, or snort in the background of the quote in order to give it more life and more authentic.
great stuff :) used one of the voice clips and gave credit: