I have fairly limited programming skills but I've been teaching myself a bit as I've been working on "Quest" a 2D RPG created using mostly LPC assets from OGA.
It's still in its infancy, but I thought I'd share the link. It's a work in progress, so check back for updates.
Fun! I love this kind of game! My bronze axe was no match for the raw destructive might of a fluffy sheep, though. Frame rate seems prohibitively slow, but that might be the computer I'm using.
Nice work!
--Medicine Storm
Thanks Medicine Storm!
Good to know it was slow for you. It's not a problem on my computer, but I'm planning on streamlining some of the code over the holidays to try and speed it up.
Check back for updates!
I just finished optimizing some of the NPC render cycle code to speed up the frame rate. It was running around 20fps on my computer before, but I got it up to 60fps now.
Can someone do me a favor and check on their computer to see what frame rate it runs at? I've added a green frame rate counter in the bottom left corner of the screen just above the text box (see screen shot) to help debug.
If you can't see the green frame rate counter, press Ctrl+Shift+R to clear the cache and refresh the page.
Very cool to see the new game! I got ~10 FPS before, now ~20 FPS in Safari and ~40 FPS in Chrome on macOS 10.12.2, MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) w/ Core i7, 16 GB RAM.
I'm getting about 30-35 moving and 60 standing still on a PC using Google Chrome. I have a low-end gaming system (can play all games, but not at highest resolutions), so that may have something to do with it.
Interface looks great - easy to read and not in the way. I really liked the NPC info cards and flavor text too. Main map looks good. NPC movements add a nice touch.
Walk speed seemed a little slow for me -- I used the "winged foot" icon to move faster....I'd recommend using that as your base walk speed. If you have large maps it will really decrease travel time from section to section.
Also, I think the axe sprite is bugged. When I weilded it as a weapon, I saw a black box with a green line through it.
Great job overall. I look forward to seeing you develop this concept.
Thanks bluecarrot! I appreciate the fps testing information. Very helpful.
Also thanks for your LPC submissions. As you can see, they made it into Quest.
Darkwall LKE
Thanks Boom Shaka. I've updated the walk and run speed to double what it was previously.
I've also fixed the axe sprite. I haven't created the fully animated sprite for the axe yet, but if you wield it now, you won't get the error and you'll see it while you're standing still.
Just make sure you Ctrl+Shift+R to get the most current version of the code for Quest.
Everyone, please keep the comments/suggestions coming. They are very helpfull!
Darkwall LKE
Thanks, glad to see the art being used!
The faster walking speed is way better! Though occasionally it seems to revert from the fast boots/running back to walking...
I also can't quite figure out how to make stuff; is that implemented yet? Whenever I try to smelt or smith it just tells me I don't have the required materials.
Regarding running reverting back to walking - that is intentional, when the orange energy bar in the top left depletes, it will default back to walking. You can run again once you've regained energy (time-based right now. I will add food/potions to speed up recovery in the future)
Regarding making stuff - first you have to mine some rocks (start with copper and tin) once you have at least one copper and one tin, you can smelt a bar at the refinery. Once you have a bar you can use a hammer and the anvil to make something.
I do plan to make a tutorial to explain each of the basic skills. It'll take me a while to make that though...
Darkwall LKE
I added an "Achievement" feature which I'm hoping will act as a bit of a tutorial. Let me know if it's intuitive enough...
Check the book button on the top right of the screen.
I've added some new characters and items.
Let me know what you think!
@Darkwall - Are you looking for critique at the moment?
Of course. Critique away!
Had to check. :) I've worked in QA in the game industry, so I apologize if I sound harsh; old training, ect.
IU: This one stood out to me the most, so for now this is what I'll focus on.
1. It's difficult to move around. I see what you're trying to do with the 'click to move to this spot' navigation, but if you're going to do that the pathfinding needs to be smarter and the NPCs and game elements need to be less touchy. Right now if there are even simple obstacles in the way the character won't move. Other times, I'll be attempting to move somewhere, and I'll have clicked on a nearby NPC or item instead.
You can do what you want with your design, obviously, but given the genre I'd have expected a standard WASD control setup.
2. Icons everywhere, and I have no idea what each one's supposed to mean. The UI needs some hover-text, and I'd like to see hover-text over the game elements. I'd no idea which item in the mining field was which at a glance.
3. The display menu on the lower left corner, which reports your actions? It needs a timestamp before each message, particularly if you're going to be using the 'do this until the inventory is full / empty' actions. (Also, related-- when it says "You put the item in you're inventory"-- change the 'you're' to 'your'.)
4. Action-type menus come up on objects you're not adjacent to: say I'm five squares away from an ore block I want to mine. I click on the stack, there's a mining button. I press it, and... nothing happens, because I'm not adjacent to it.
Either I need to move straight to the object after clicking 'mine', or that menu should only appear when the character is within a certain distance. This goes for every other similar menu-- trading, smithing, ect.
I have more, but this is probably enough for now. Keep working at it!
Thanks! That's very helpful feedback. I'll work to incorporate all of that.
Any chance you want to give me some pointers on this one?
P.S. I've been following The Last Score development blog, it's really good!
Very nice! I'm glad to hear it. :) Looking forward to seeing what you do with the RPG.
I'll take a look at the zombie game in a little while-- I can't say for sure when, because I've been put on some new meds that have me pretty out of it, and I'm not sure how long it'll last. I'll check back in later.
The plain green tiles make the game feel cold and artificial. you should try to use some more charming for gras and main background.
Btw same for your game Eliza only that you have some flowers in it that mitigate the feeling a bit.